Last week, we celebrated the girls last day of school. It has been a wild ride!! This was their favorite school year so far, they all loved their teachers so much (and so did we!), had lots of new friends and made so many good memories!

white denim shorts // basic tees // floral headband
And yes, Eloise decided she wanted to grow her “fangs” once again. Hoping wet pool hair will be more kind to us than trying to grow them out in the middle of winter during hat season.
We were so sad to see the school year get cut short but also can totally appreciate being able to sleep in and not pack lunches. Distance learning was a struggle, we much prefer hands on over electronics, so depending on the guidelines for school next year, we may actually explore homeschooling. Never thought I would say those words!
But for now, we are ready for lots of Summer fun!!!!! Hopefully spending lots of time in the backyard, seeing all of our friends & making our very first Summer memories at the lake house!!
We’re considering homeschool as well if school isn’t back to mostly normal. (We’re in TX) Online learning just wasn’t our jam
I can’t believe how much they have grown! Happy Summer! We are a homeschool family and got a late start to our year. We don’t finish until June 19th, and I’m dyyyying to be done!
Such cuties! I have a feeling you will be the best homeschooler!
I homeschool in Iowa. Didn’t start because I wanted to, felt I had no options, and now I would have it no other way. I love it more and more and more every year. You only get one shot with these kiddies. I wish you well in your decision.
No decision is final. Things can always be changed, even in the middle of it all. Sometimes I think that helps when we are frozen with the weight of our parenting choices.
They have grown so much! Such cities! Online learning definitely wasn’t our jam either, very hopeful for a normal school year come August!
Mean’t cuties! Stupid autocorrect.