We just returned from a week long trip to Salt Lake City for the Young Living Convention. As a homebody + (extroverted) introvert, I totally didn’t want want to go up until almost the very last minute. But the second we got on the plane, excitement took over & I was ready for all the fun that comes along with exploring a new city, meeting new friends & getting inspired (and spoiled) by the best company ever.
Almost four years ago, I bought my essential oils starter kit for sleep & immune support. The more I learned how to use them, the more I began to love them, and then two years ago, I loved them so much that I knew I needed to share, and I jumped right into the business. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. At the time, I was blogging, running my print shop & staying home full time with the kids. I was overwhelmed & exhausted. And to be totally honest, felt a little out of place & unsure about where the entire “blogging” industry was going. So I said yes to the oils business. The thing I loved the most right away was the sense of community that comes with it, not like the competitive & disconnected community that we can experience through a lot of social media. Your people, your tribe.
And that was solidified for me this week in Salt Lake City. We hit the rank of Diamond in our business in March, and even then, going to convention to meet so many other entrepreneurs, speakers & everyone else who is hustling in their business still felt intimidating to me. I was sure they were going to be the most organized, professional, no-nonsense people, and that we would feel out of place. But then I got there, and I hugged them, and they hugged me back, and collectively we all admitted how intimidated we were and realized minute by minute how exactly alike we all are. We are all hot mess moms juggling home and work and all the things. We all hate washing our hair and have overflowing email inboxes. We all were afraid to do this business, afraid of what other people would think and afraid we would fail. But something prompted each of us to say yes, and get out in that arena, and we all agreed that our only regret was not starting sooner. We challenged each other to work harder, be better humans and dream bigger dreams. We cheered for each other & encouraged each other. We laughed. We cried. And we drank all the moscow mules in Utah.
Outfits: Tulle & Sequin Gown // White Crochet Top
The week was a whirlwind, the city was filled with all the beautiful sights & amazing food. We stayed out in West Jordan with friends, but spent most of our time in the downtown area. We also got to spend an evening at the aquarium, which was so much fun! There were too many cute restaurants to even count, we ate burgers at the Copper Onion and some of the best brussels sprouts of my life at White Horse Kitchen. I definitely couldn’t hack it in the desert air though, it was hot as a mother & there was not enough water in the world to keep us hydrated!
I am thankful for every single person that I got to meet in person & hug, and cannot wait to go back next year. And I would love to have all of you along for this beautiful ride. If you are reading this thinking yes! I need this in my life, jump over here and learn more. We would love to welcome you to our community and show you what it’s all about! It is so much freaking fun.
SO fun!! Wish I was there!! Next year!!
You could not be more right about the social media community vs. oils community, best decision I have ever made!
So well written! Social media can be so unhealthy, I love this perspective. I also need that dress!
Beautiful post! I have loved watching your journey with essential oils, you have been my favorite blogger for years!
freaking love you! I had the BEST time with you girls…and I am literally counting down the days until our next whirlwind weekend! Life Changing Journey!