Taking our kids to the pumpkin patch is one of my favorite things of all time. Ok let’s be honest, everything about Fall is my favorite thing of all time. We continue to stop at almost every roadside pumpkin stand we come across because we really just can’t get enough, but we made our official pumpkin patch trip two weeks ago. I came home with way more pumpkins (and less pictures) than I had planned, but the girls were happy & the donuts were good!
How I imagined the pumpkin patch was going to go: girls happily frolicking around, smiling for a family photo, grabbing an apple cider donut or two & picking out one pumpkin each to bring home.
How the pumpkin patch actually goes: spending more time getting dressed & out the door than we actually will at the pumpkin patch. Leaving the house with perfect 72 degrees with overcast, but in the fifteen minutes it takes you to get there, the weather has somehow changed to 94 degrees and blazing sun. One kid complaining she is hot, the other immediately has to go to the bathroom and one is crying because she wants to climb inside the petting zoo to see the baby pig. Everyone else in the state of Georgia is also visiting said pumpkin patch, trying not to lose anyone or let anyone get pecked by the angry chicken that is roaming around. Kids squealing laughing as they smuggle as many pumpkins as they can wheelbarrow but all of the tears when we try to put some back. Somebody mysteriously has a splinter & somebody else lost a boot. Seeing who can lift the biggest pumpkin while simultaneously trying not to rip the stems off them. Attempting not to knock over any glass jars of apple butter on our second trip inside to use the bathroom, snapping a handful of photos where nobody is looking at the camera & arguing the whole way home about who gets to paint which pumpkin what color.
Success y’all. I effing love the pumpkin patch.
Sounds like pumpkin patches in Georgia are a whole lot like pumpkin patches here in California. And I love every crazy minute of our own visits, too.
This had me cracking up! I love your honesty and openness as a mom, makes your posts so enjoyable to read! Your girls are so adorable, those Hunter boots are the cutest on them! Glad you guys are enjoying fall!!
xo, Miranda
Oh my goodness! This absolutely describes our pumpkin farm trip every year! I always spend SO much time looking forward to it and then on the way home ask my husband why I never remember how hot and exhausting it is! But by the time we get home, I want to go again! ???
haha. this is so very true. Everytime we go to the pumpkin patch we end up with a million pumpkins, lost shoes and someone always manages to cry however everyone is eagerly awaiting the next trip to the patch!
So good!! ? And so true! But I love your pics and can I just say how much I love the colors they are wearing contrasting the orange pumpkins ?
Hahahaha, that is the story of my life as well when I hit the pumpkin patch with my four kids. It’s beautiful memories, it just never turns out the way you hoped for.
The best pumpkin patch post I have ever read!!!!!
Glad I’m not the only one who gets her pumpkin patch dreams squashed by the heat and cranky toddlers
hey it’s all memories!
Ahhh I love mamas who keep it real
We, too, are headed to the patch this Friday (and yes, I’m toting along my camera with the best of intentions) — but as always, expect nothing and if I get SOMETHING I’ll be thrilled. 

Happy Fall!
Hahahah!! We have yet to go (my girls are the same ages as yours!) due to hot weather. It’s finally cooled down, so I think we’ll venture over there this weekend!
-Sarah http://www.thefrugalmillionaireblog.com
Annnnnnnd you’re offically Southern!! You’re using Y’all! ????
S.C. Native here (Greenville) w/family in Cumming, G.A. and Charleston, S.C. I’ve been reading since before you had Harper. Yes, your other blog ?. First time leaving a comment tho! Happy Halloween. ?
This is amazing….and completely on point!!!
**THIS** post is exactly why I love following you! I literally laughed out loud and thought to myself “thank God someone else had the same hot ass pumpkin patch experience that we did!” Fall in the South can be a HUGE let down sometimes BUT cheers to the cooler weather we’re having and that on it’s way! Thank you for your raw, hilarious, honesty!
I seriously love this post. Like SO MUCH. I just got done reading a post from another blogger that was way too over the top and perfect. Didn’t seem like real life and I figured I must be doing it all wrong! Then I read this and it was so refreshingly relatable and hilarious. So awesome to hear that it’s not just me!!!