It has just been a whirlwind of change around here lately, so before I forget any of the most important things, I wanted to share a little sister snapshot of my three babes. And a little peek into their new shared room, I can’t wait to show you all how fun this room is, as soon as Eloise’s big girl bed arrives we will have it finished!!
Tulle Dresses // Never Grow Up Sweater // Schoolgirl Bow Headband // Acrylic Dollhouse // Matchbox Mice
Harper // 4 1/2 Years
Oh, my big girl! Harper has always been too grown up for her own good, and we say this now more than ever. She is so sweet, caring & attentive to everyone’s needs. She takes the best care of her sisters & loves them so much. Helping is her favorite thing to do, she loves to set the table, make beds, and lately pack and unpack things. She is still obsessed with art, she loves to draw & write letters. She picks pages from books and tries to draw them, and writes all of our names on pictures that she draws of our family. She makes her Ms upside down, so when she writes Mommy, it actually says Wowwy.
She still has her sassy moments, but for the most part, she is just so kind hearted & fun, she has the best sense of humor & I love the friendship that has grown between us as she grows up. She comes in my room every morning & goes into my closet, and asks me what I’m going to wear & usually comes out wearing a pair of my heels.
Harper’s favorite foods are pancakes, grandma’s spaghetti & carrots and hummus. She still carries her sweet kitty (the one that she named Izzy just like our cat) around with her everywhere we go, I will be crushed when she doesn’t do this some day.
She loves school so much, I knew she would because she just loves to learn & do new things. One of her teachers in school is actually our babysitter that we have had for the last few years, so that is extra special for her & just one more reason that she is always excited for school days.
Eloise // 2 Years
Eloise has given a whole new meaning to terrible twos, she is so terribly cute & tests every ounce of my patience. She has the spunkiest personality, she bounces off the walls from morning til night, I love walking into her room in the morning to get her out of bed and seeing her big happy smile.
She is going through a very clingy stage, she wants me all the time, and spends a lot of the day on my lap or literally trying to climb me if I am in the kitchen cooking. She loves us so hard, loves her sisters & her excitement for everything is so contagious. We are still so obsessed with all of her words, the way she talks is the absolute cutest and we love all of the funny things she says. I will be so sad once she has perfected all of the words she mispronounces right now because it really is my favorite thing ever. She is finally saying “cqua-lare!” instead of “ky” and it is all sorts of bittersweet!
Eloise is probably the pickiest eater of all the girls, but mostly because she would rather play than eat. She loves fruit, pancakes, anything with ketchup & chocolate milk!
She’s obsessed with singing & dancing, loves to play dress up & take care of her baby dolls. She sleeps with about fourteen of them in her bed at night, has names for all of them & knows every time which one is missing. She is Harper’s shadow, anything Harper says, Eloise repeats the last few words of it. I am so thankful for this because Harper sets an amazing example for her.
She is going through a very clingy stage, she wants me all the time, and spends a lot of the day on my lap or literally trying to climb me if I am in the kitchen cooking. She loves us so hard, loves her sisters & her excitement for everything is so contagious. We are still so obsessed with all of her words, the way she talks is the absolute cutest and we love all of the funny things she says. I will be so sad once she has perfected all of the words she mispronounces right now because it really is my favorite thing ever. She is finally saying “cqua-lare!” instead of “ky” and it is all sorts of bittersweet!
Eloise is probably the pickiest eater of all the girls, but mostly because she would rather play than eat. She loves fruit, pancakes, anything with ketchup & chocolate milk!
She’s obsessed with singing & dancing, loves to play dress up & take care of her baby dolls. She sleeps with about fourteen of them in her bed at night, has names for all of them & knows every time which one is missing. She is Harper’s shadow, anything Harper says, Eloise repeats the last few words of it. I am so thankful for this because Harper sets an amazing example for her.
Claire // 14 Months
Not quite a baby anymore, yet still totally the baby around here. She loves to snuggle & be rocked, still loves a bottle over a sippy cup & loves flipping through books. Rocking her each night before bed is one of my favorite parts of the day, I love how she always puts her foot up on my chest or face, and she gives the best open mouth kisses. She is currently getting her molars, teething with her has been the hardest of all the kids, but we are almost through the worst of it. We are in the scream for everything stage since she is only saying a few words, this girl can throw one monster of a tantrum, but it’s so funny because she is so sweet & laid back all the rest of the time. She loves to just sit back and observe, she does so well in the car because she loves to just look out her window or look in the mirror.
She loves her B Stacking Blocks, Push Wagon & playing with Little People, all of my girls are obsessed with these actually. She eats everything, she loves pretty much all food except mashed potatoes (so weird, none of my kids love them!) and lately loves popsicles & smoothies.
She loves her B Stacking Blocks, Push Wagon & playing with Little People, all of my girls are obsessed with these actually. She eats everything, she loves pretty much all food except mashed potatoes (so weird, none of my kids love them!) and lately loves popsicles & smoothies.
She’s not walking yet, and while this is a little bit later than the other girls, we are in no rush! She crawls at light speed, pulls herself up, walks along the couch & can climb the stairs like a total ninja. I’m sure it will be any day now, and I know she is going to be so happy to be doing what her sisters do. I imagine that once she is walking, it will only be a few hours until she is running to keep up with them. I love watching her grow & seeing her blue eyes light up as she discovers new things she can do!
Okay, well you seriously making me want to add a little girl to our clan of boys around here! Second…random question, what shade of white paint did you use?
Your girls are BEAUTIFUL! You are blessed
None of my kiddos like mashed potatoes either!! So weird they are so good AND I craved them during my pregnancies so surely they should like them!
Sweetest pics of your beautiful babes!! <3
I love that penmanship print – where did you find that?
That picture is sweet and I love the way Eloise is looking at Harper. Looking to big sis always! Cute. What a busy momma with start to school, house, and this overwhelming toddler stage!
These pictures are so sweet. Can't wait to see their room!! Also–I will never ever ever get enough of Eloise saying "But I can't do it" on Snapchat. The SWEETEST voice!!
You have a beautiful family. Where is the ABC art from?
The girls are so adorable! Where did you get that awesome cursive print??
Love these sister snapshots! The day to day life seems to be blended together with no change and then when you look back you can tell how much your babies have grown. This motherhood thing is just too good.
Are all three girls sharing a bedroom or just Harper & Eloise? Because three little girls tucked into one bedroom- pretty much what sisterhood dreams are made of!!
I love posts like these! Such a sweet way to remember the tiny things about our kids! I need to do something similar for my boys.
So incredibly sweet! They all are so adorable!
Thanks for sharing your precious girls with us. They seem so sweet. Your Eloise is just like my Daisy!! My wild child
can't wait to see more of the room!!
So cute! Thanks for sharing! This post brought me tears as I realize how much my kids are growing up too fast and that my litte girl, our last one is growing into a beatiful little toddler and missing those baby moments. She reminds me a lot of Eloise!
Hi Jessica! Your girls are such cuties <3 where did you get Claire's MaryJane shoes?? They are so adorable! Thank you in advance
Elliot doesn't like mashed potatoes either! Gosh your girls are so precious!!
Beautiful!!!! You are so blessed. these girls are gorgeous, and I am crying thinking about watching my girl Lola grow up. I go back and forth daily between being excited for everything new, terrified for terrible two's, and just wanting her to go back to being a snuggly little babe.
What type of DSLR do you have? I'm sure you've already answered this, so I'm sorry
Love these posts!! So sweet! I'm in a similar boat as you so I just love reading about your girls and mommyhood!
My little ladies are 4 1/2 and just-turned-3. We also have another baby girl coming in October! I just love having little girls!
Harper is so similar to my oldest and Eloise sounds exactly like my Maisie , haha. She lights up my entire world but she also exhausts me like no other!!! So funny how different their personalities are!
Thanks for sharing a peek into your life!!
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Your children are beautiful and I love reading about them!
That picture of Claire holding Harper's little braid gives me "heart eyes"! Precious!
The pic of the three of them looking out of the window is so precious. You have a very sweet trio or girls
Hi Jessica! I'm a consultant with Usborne Books & More and thought you may be interested in their Toddler and Preschool books. These books have gorgeous illustrations and are highly educational. Please check out my website for more information!
Hi Jessica! I'm a consultant with Usborne Books & More and thought you may be interested in their Toddler and Preschool books. These books have gorgeous illustrations and are highly educational. Please check out my website for more information!
Great for baby clothes!
Great idea!! I am doing laundry ALL THE TIME as a stay at home mom to two little ones. I'd love to win this so I can spend more time with them and less time in my dark basement using the washer & dryer original to our house.
Noooooooo I missed this! Dang it lol
Did you know Old Navy is using the pic of the 3 girls looking out the window as part of their tutu advertising?
None of mine will either! 6, 2 and 1. They all turn their nose up!