Baby Claire, one whole year old!! We might just have to call her baby Claire forever. It has been her nickname that just fits her, along with ky and ky baby, both made up by her sissies. We are going on almost a week of singing “happy birthday dear ky ky!” during every meal, which is pretty standard for any celebration in our house.
We took her one year picture with her stuffed kitty on her birthday to compile with the others, Harper kept reminding me how the kitty used to be bigger than Claire, and she was right. It is so bittersweet to put these all together! I have never been that great at keeping up with milestone photos of my girls, but I am sure glad I did just enough of these to make myself cry a little. Oh what I would give for one more snuggle with newborn Claire!! 
Harper & Eloise wanted to help pick out her birthday cake, and their only request was lots of “finkles!” Which they succeeded at.
Claire is my most laid back baby, she is completely content rocking in the chair or being held, or best of all, just watching her sissies dance circles around her. She loves getting to play with their toys when they’re not around, and they make her laugh like no one else. She has just started pulling herself up, and although is much later than the other girls, feels just right for her. She is always content with just hanging out, she loves being read to or sang to, and is always following us around the house crawling as fast as she can. She will sit in her high chair for hours while I cook or clean, loves to snack & tuck little pieces of food into the cracks of her high chair tray. Sometimes I set her by the utensil drawer and she will pull out spatulas or wooden spoons for as long as I’ll let her. Hashtag third child entertainment.
She loves all food except mashed potatoes. She still takes two naps a day, and sleeps from about 7:30pm until 5:30am, and then back to sleep after a bottle until about 7:30am. She loves to clap & say “yay”, also says “mama” “dada” and “ky!” And although she is mostly quiet all the time, she has a scream that sounds like a high school girl in a haunted house that stops everyone in their tracks. She is absolutely obsessed with our cat & putting all of her toys in the drawer underneath the oven. She looks so much like Harper as a baby, but has most of Eloise’s mannerisms, but she has her own sweet little personality that we just can’t get enough of.
Claire Vivien, we love you and your chubby little cheeks so much. Your happiness is contagious & you have a heart of gold. Happy birthday sweetheart!
So beautiful as always, Jessica! Your girls are all so beautiful. Happy belated, Claire!
My own Claire turned 6 yesterday and we still call her "Baby Claire"! Happy Birthday to your sweet girl she's an absolute doll!
She's so precious. I want to kiss those cheeks! I loved this post. My daughter turns 2 on the 9th. Seems like she just turned one yesterday!
Happy birthday, Claire! I only have one baby right now, and kitchen utensils are her favorite form of entertainment most days too haha!
Oh so sweet!
I cant believe she's one! What an adorable little girl. She looks so much like her sisters!
I cant believe she's one! What an adorable little girl. She looks so much like her sisters!
Ahhhh I wish we could freeze time sometimes!! Such a sweet little babe.
She is PRECIOUS! And that cake is adorable!
We call our youngest/third Baby Ky Ky too and he's almost 2. And no one blames you for hating on those mashed potatoes Claire. Yuck!
Happy birthday sweet girl!