These girls, they are my whole world. They are all growing like weeds, time is passing at light speed & I am just trying not to miss anything. Which is mostly impossible because I am usually in a total frazzled-sleep-deprived-fog, but you get the point 
A little update for each of my sweet babies as we near Claire’s first birthday.
A little update for each of my sweet babies as we near Claire’s first birthday.
All of a sudden she is so grown up, it is so bittersweet to see my first born become such a big girl. She is my little sidekick, always helping me with everything & taking such good care of her sisters. She wakes up before me & comes downstairs to turn on cartoons, our remote has a voice feature where she can push the microphone button & say what show she wants to watch. I can always hear her saying “please play sofia the first” which makes me laugh from my bed because it is so her personality to say please to the remote.
She amazes me every day with the things she remembers or figures out on her own, she makes up jokes & songs, sings lullabies to Claire before bed & is teaching Eloise how to draw things and color in the lines. She wants to be an artist when she grows up. My little bestie.
Eloise // 2 years, 1 month
Dreamer, schemer & captain crunch addict. Her age & personality are still just the best right now, three kids later and my favorite stage is still hearing their new words & listening to them learn how to say things. Favorite expressions are “oh my goodness!” and “hold you!” Currently repeats the alphabet as “s” “ess!” “t” “tee!” “u” “ME!” She exhausts me & wears me down, yet totally makes my heart so completely full at the same time. She loves to sing, dance & make everyone laugh. She is a blanket hoarder, just like me, and her favorite place to be is on my lap. She wants to do everything Harper does, including sleeping in her bed. We are excited to get her a big girl bed too, but should probably wait like six more years.
Claire // 11 months
It really is unbelievable to me that baby Claire is going to be one already in just a few weeks. This has been the fastest first year ever! We love just soaking up all of her baby-isms, like how she sits with her ankles crossed (just like Harper used to do) & loves to be rocked to sleep. She was a late crawler, and is not yet pulling herself up or attempting to stand yet, which we are more than okay with me. Her favorite foods are sweet potatoes (roasted), blueberries, bananas & pasta. Carbs of any kind are her jam. Jam is also her jam. Favorite activities include throwing her sippy cup on the floor, splashing in the bathtub & pulling her sisters’ hair. Cute as a button, sweet as a peach. Still sleeps like shit. 
That last sentence has me rolling! You have the cutest kids!
i was looking back on one of my posts about hattie from when she turned a year, and apparently she still didn't sleep through the night either. it's amazing how we can run off so little energy, and how i still find myself wanting another baby even if it means less rest. you're doing such a good job with those girls. keep it up!
So funny! and cute
I don't blog but this is such a cute idea to capture things I want to remember about my 3 year old and 10 month old at the moment.
Omg, I seriously busted out laughing at the last bit! Our littest Ella is turning one this Saturday and I am in complete denial. The combination of that and me returning to work has me in a complete emotional whirl wind! Love love loved this post. You're girls are seriously the sweetest. xx
Love reading about these cute girls of yours.
I still can't believe that Claire is almost one, that's crazy!!
"still sleeps like shit." I just died laughing. This is so sweet – I love getting to watch your girls grow!!
Your girls are adorable and you are quickly becoming my favorite blogger! The stages your girls are in is very similar to my 3 boys, even the personalities! My middle is the craziest but I have such a sweet spot for him. And that last line almost made me spit out my lunch! Been there, sister! STILL there…
I just love reading your posts because you are so honest to the truth of motherhood. My favorite line: "Cute as a button, sweet as a peach. Still sleeps like shit."
So adorable!!!! I completely understand thee sleeps like shit part! My little man didn't sleep through the night consistently until around 11 months. Then he started getting teeth and we started the late nights all over again!
In love with Eloise's romper. Do you mind sharing where you got it? All three are such dolls
I love seeing your girls grow up… I feel like an auntie ha, ha!! Can we please talk about Eloise's hair??? Come on, she is so adorably cute!!
Thanks for always brightening up my days with your posts.
Love the last line!!! lol You have such sweet girls and you handle it with grace and sass.
Not to burst your bubble… But my two year old STILL doesn't sleep through the night most of the time. ?
However, it's only once a night that he wakes up now, and he's big enough to just come crawl in bed with us at 3am, so I don't mind the extra cuddles so much.
That last sentence!! I can totally relate with my just-turned-2-year old.
My little guy sleeps like shit too. Buy he's my first, so it scares me to have another one! Your girls are so cute; I've loved watching them grow!
I love your blog, I have 3 girls ages 5,3 and 6 months. I totally relate to you on many levels, my 6 month old also doesn't sleep, so I like to pat myself on the back daily for making it through the day with 4 hours of broken sleep.
Jessica, your girls are just darling! It seems like you were just announcing that you were expecting Claire. I cannot believe that she is already turning ONE! I can't wait to see all the details of her birthday party! It sounds adorable!
I have 3 girls who are exactly 15 months apart, aged 3, 2, and 7 months, and your post describes each one of my girls' personalities perfectly. My sen month old is a sspitfire like my 3 year old and started crawling at 4 months, and pulling up at 6. However, it is exactly the same here: the oldest is the orderly one always picking up and putting away toys, telling everyone how it's done (or me that they're doing something they're not supposed to do), and just being amazing like teaching herself stuff. My middle is a cuddle bunny, artistic beyond belief– ALWAYS singing and dancing–, and fairly wild. She's the one that does the wacked out stuff none of my others have ever done. And the baby sleeps like doodoo also, but on general she is the happiest person I've ever met. As far as she's concerned she has THE best life ever. Love the little people!!!
Hard to believe how big these girls have gotten! I have been following along before Harper was even born and now she is a little girl! You are such an excellent mom! Thanks for sharing!
I love that you can admit your child sleeps like shit. So many people are shocked that my 13 month old doesn't sleep through the night, and swear all of their kids slept through the night by 4 months. Puh-lease!
Love these updates. Harper saying please to the remote kills me! So sweet! E being your crazy one makes me feel like all hope is not lost. My 2.5 year old is so high energy and wedding me thin that I wonder if we can have anymore. My four month old will hopefully be a little calmer. Or Olivia will be a great big helper in two years like Harper.
And sweet Claire. The second is flying by that I'm sure the third would be warp speed!
Hi! I love your blog, your posts are fun, real and the design style if gorgeous! I have two kids who are 3 and 19 months. I have always thought I would have 3 children and being that I am 34 I feel like I need to hop to it. But also want to wait just a smidge longer. ANYWAYS I am always looking for snapshots into other peoples lives with kids. What does the day look like, the month? What is hard now, what is great? What did you not expect? What is totally true that people say? Would you have more? How do you stay organized? How does your relationship deal? anyways I know, I know, so many invasive questions. I am just looking for information from Mom's that keep it real and inspiring!