It’s been forever since we’ve done Friday Favorites & I have so many gems to share this week!
If you follow us on Instagram @jlgarvin, you might have seen the homemade grapefruit mint sugar scrub that Harper & I whipped up the other day while the babies were sleeping. I tripled the recipe so I would be able to make a few for some girlfriends (mini Valentine’s Day gifts!) It smells SO GOOD. I love everything grapefruit scented, after making this I realized I was washing my hands with grapefruit hand soap & washing the dishes in grapefruit dish soap. Doesn’t hurt that it’s also all pink!
We are working hard on adding lots of new meals to our weekly rotation, I made these Parmasean Baked Sweet Potato Fries for the girls & they might be their new favorite. They’re SO good. Side note: have I ever mentioned Eloise’s ketchup addiction on the blog before? She literally comes screaming into the kitchen yelling “tetch-up! tetch-up!” at every meal.
Adele raps Nicki Minaj. I mean, it’s just so good.
PS. We just finished watching Breaking Bad on Netflix (LOVED IT), we have watched Parenthood, Dexter (our very favorite) & Orange is the New Black. We are looking for a new show to start, any recommendations?! XO
Definitely The Walking Dead if you haven't seen it. Great story and you will binge watch it guaranteed! Just like Breaking Bad! Dont worry so much with your blog. You are doing a great job, can't imagine how life would be with three young kids. Two is just what I can handle! They keep us busy. Always love reading your blog!
I have watched all the series you listed and loved them! I would also recommend Prison break, The walking dead, and Friday night lights ?
Sons of Anarchy, House of Cards, and Making a Murderer
Oh my goodness! My second-born, who is Eloise's age, also has a ketchup obsession! Seriously- every meal he yells "tetch-up!" I catch myself acting like Claire on Elf saying "I didn't put it out- it's spaghetti" and then realizing no matter what the meal is, he's gonna want ketchup.
I can't wait to use imovie. I'd love to start being more creative in the video memories I have of my kids.
Love the blog!
Just popping in to say, don't be so hard in yourself. The blog is not stale. Your humor, wit and beautiful photos is what I come for and you always deliver. The post you did in December with the home alone GIFs was genius! I always enjoy reading your posts. Don't compare yourself to others who may have more time or more help. Your blog and Instagram and completely YOU and that's what we all like!
Making a murderer!!
When I was a teenager, I used to babysit for a little girl who made ketchup popsicles. Totally gross, but I'm pretty sure my ketchup fanatic would love them…not that I'll ever make them lol.
I have an obsession with Longmire. I think its target audience are people over 50, but I love it.
That scrub sounds like the most perfect summer scrub! We are signing up for Netflix this year, I have heard great things about Master of None & Jessica Jones.
Making a murderer! You'll be yelling at your tv by episode 3!
It seems like we have very similar taste in TV! My husband and I have been loving Narcos on Netflix, How to Get Away with Murder on ABC, and Making a Murderer on Netflix.
Suits for sure! It's the best show. Hubby and I both loved it
We loved all those shows too! Some others to definitely watch are Friday Night Lights, Sons of Anarchy, and Masters of None (funny and super cute!).
"Sirens" is HYSTERICAL! Our fav's are "The Green Arrow", "The Flash", and "Leverage". Leverage is an older show but we love it!
You haven't mentioned working in a while? Curious if you are still working and how you are able to keep up with that and three babes.
My husband and I have been watching Criminal Minds and About a Boy. I'm obsessed with Criminal Minds, haha! Your weeks sound so fun and you're so blessed to have 3 little ones
OH man I have soon many suggestions for Netflix: Supernatural, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Arrow and The Flash (depends on if you could get into superheroes) Chuck, The 100… If you don't like those or have seen them already, I have plenty more! I'm living that post-college, no social life because of 2 jobs life, so Netflix has been such a savior! Lol I love your blog so much, reading it when I was going through some of the tough times in school was always such a great distraction for me and your kids are ADORABLEEEE
Watch House of Cards or Making a Murderer on Netflix!
If you liked Orange is the New Black, You'll love Wentworth. It's similar but in my opinion much better and Netflix just added season 3 last week.
Weeds is one of my favorites! Also The Office!
Watch Suits. So good.
Making a Murder is a must watch!
I have to imagine you've watched Friday Night Lights but if you haven't it's amazing! Coach Taylor and Texas forever!
Hey there! A couple of shows I have been loving on Netflix at the moment are Blue Bloods and Making a Murder. Hope this helps
Happy 3-day weekend!!
Love it!! Try watching Lost, Greys Anatomy, or House of Cards!!
Those are our favorites too! We also just finished House of Cards and really liked it. We LOVE Walking Dead!! (I never thought I would like it but finally gave in and was hooked in 3 episodes.) And next on our list is Narcos.
Jane the Virgin!
Watch the second season of Fargo {it has nothing to do with the first season}…it is SO SO good! Oh and Game of Thrones too…amazing!
The affair or californiacation on show time are some of our latest addictions!
How I Met Your Mother, Friends, Hart of Dixie, and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt are some of my favorites.
Excited for new content. For shows, my husband and I enjoy the new show, Superstore.
Great post as always! Orphan Black is amazing!! And Mr Robot with Christian Slater! Happy weekend!! PS I LOVE Adele
Love this! I will definitely be using that sugar scrub recipe for hostess gifts at my baby shower!
Those are some of our favorite Netflix binges!! We just finished Making a Murderer and it is a must watch! We also loved Mad Men! These aren't on Netflix, but if you have HBO go, Game of Thrones and the first season of True Detective are great choices! Also, if you suffer a slight depression of Breaking Bad being over like I did, Better Call Saul is a must! One more I have to suggest is Fargo!!! Those are just a few we have really loved! Hope that helps:)
We have one episode left in The Killing – very very good (seasons 1 & 2 are the best, but 3 and 4 are still good). We also watched Bloodline which is good, but there's only one season so far so you binge watch and then…wait.
I love those ballet flats for little girls
I'm definitely going to have to snag a pair for my daughter for the spring! That sugar scrub is such a great idea for valentine gifts for girlfriends… if I ever get some free time (HAHA) I might try to make some for my girls.
Have you watched Heart of Dixie on Netflix? I was sceptical but I really like it!
Making a murderor on Netflix!!! Go now!!!!!
Will definitely have to try the scrub!
For Claire's nap, do you lay her down wide awake or do you feed/rock her to sleep? If my 7.5 month old falls asleep on her own or if I lay her down after nursing, she will only nap 30 minutes tops. If she naps on me, she can go 1-2 hrs. I have a 2.5 year old that hangs out with daddy while the baby and I do nap time. Love reading your blog!!
If you liked Breaking Bad and all the others, Weeds is another good one to watch =) Have a great weekend!
How I Met Your Mother, The Walking Dead, Making a Murderer, and some guilty pleasures- Hart of Dixie, Friday Night Lights, Pretty Little Liars.
making. a. murderer. you're welcome. about to go make some sweet potato fries!!
Walking Dead (you don't need to be a fan of zombies, lol) Sons of Anarchy, Bloodline (it takes a couple episodes to get into)
I adore your blog and don't think it's stale!
Jessica Jones is awesome! Definitely worth watching
I loved Parenthood and OITNB – they are two of my very favorite shows!! In terms of starting a new Netflix series, I'd recommend White Collar. It's about an art forger/thief who starts working with the FBI to help them as a CI. My husband and I loved it!!
We really liked The Killing, I had never seen Grey's Anatomy so we watched that on Netflix, and jumping on board with Making a Murderer
Lie To Me is an amazing one! We were hooked!
Friday Night Lights!
Check out Master of None on Netflix! It's heartwarming and very funny. Happy Weekend, friend! Jael
Sons of Anarchy, Rectify, Making a Murderer, Gilmore Girls. Happy watching!
There is only one season on Netflix and half a season on demand (it comes back Feb 11th) but How to Get Away With Murder is my new absolute favorite.
Dexter and Breaking Bad have been our favorites too! Do you watch Walking Dead? We started binging that one a few months ago and are now caught up to the current season, and it's amazing!! Also, "Making a Murderer" is good!
Shows: how to get away with murder! First season is on Netflix and second season is still playing. It is sooooo good!! I'm not into scary, but my mom loved Dexter and also loved Sons of Anarchy so you guys might like that!
And we just finished the Making a Murderer doc it was creepy but worth the watch! I love parenthood but need to watch the last season!
My husband and I loved Narcos! There's only one season out right now but I think the second season is coming this summer. Happy weekend!
Loved this post!! Thanks for all the fantastic recommendations! As far as Netflix, we are watching Blue Bloods and it's awesome. It's with Tom Selleck who has been a favorite of mine since Friends
We also just started Making of Murderer last night which so far is pretty addicting!
My husband and I started watching Jane the Virgin a week or two ago. It takes a few episodes to get into it, but now we're both obsessed!
We got hooked on House of Cards! I normally stick to Gilmore Girls and Friends so it's completely different than what I'm used to, but oh man is it good!
Scrambled eggs is the perfect way to describe a Mom's brain post kids. Thank you for sharing that sugar scrub recipe, cannot wait to try it for gifts (and myself!) The dreaded "showhole" as the commercials call it haha! Scandal is a favorite of mine. Walking Dead is really easy to get into– I love it! You have to get on the bandwagon of Making A Murderer though, so good! Good luck finding a new show!
You need to watch Bloodline and House of,Cards. Both are so, so good.
Sons of Anarchy
Making a Murderer
United States of Tara(hilarious & inappropriate), Parks and Recreation, Scandal, How to get Away with Murder. My husband loves House of Cards. Also the documentary Short Game is hilarious. It's about children who are competitive golfers and it's intense & adorable.
We just finished Dexter too …. for the 4th time. {Lol} We are watching the Following for the 2nd time. It's kind of creepy though. Not something to watch in the dark.
Homeland and Veep. Both are amazing!
Have you watched Younger on TV Land? It's my favorite now.
Grand Hotel! It's in Spanish, but seriously, watch one episode (with sub titles) and you'll be hooked!!! Sooooo good!
Making a Murder!
Narcos on netflix…crazy good!
If you've never seen it, I recommend Nip Tuck. It's so good! A little crazy and out there, but exciting
Can't wait for more videos, I love iMovie.
Olivia Irwin Blog
Prison break all the way! It's so addicting.
Have you watched Making A Murderer? i have not, but I've heard SO much about it, so that's going to be my next Netflix binge! Pretty Little liars is also another good one, if you haven't already seen it
Show recommendations are Jane the Virgin and How to Get Away With Murder! So good
You have to watch New Girl! It's hilarious!! Love your blog your girls are precious!!
Friday Night Lights was my fave!
House of Cards
I'm with ya on the grapefruit scent! LOVE it so much.
Have you watched the mindy project? Currently bingeing on that.. can't wait to scoop up those flats! Super cute.
You would LOVE!! the show Last Man on Earth. Seriously. You're welcome in advance!
OK 1) Totally making that sugar scrub! YUM! 2) Your blog NEVER gets stale. 3) Blacklist, Blacklist, Blacklist! My husband and I are totally hooked. It keeps you guessing, too. all.the.time.
Definitely gonna try those sweet potato fries soon! Hubby and I love New Girl, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Parks and Rec on Netflix. Hope you have a great weekend!
We went from Breaking Bad to Sons of Anarchy and LOVED it. I didn't think I would, but we could not watch Soa fast enough!
First of all Mama, give yourself grace. LOTS and LOTS of grace. Being a mom to three kids is LEGIT, especially three little ones close in age. You are doing awesome. There will come a day when you feel a little less like you are drowning. It will come but in the mean time just rest (ha!) and love those little ones.
We love the show Suits if you haven't watched that yet. So good! and Gabriel Macht isn't bad to look at either.
House of Cards
I'm sure you've heard the Making a Murderer hype, but it's definitely a must-watch!
Glad you're all feeling better! We just got over ours last weekend. My mom love, love, loves grapefruit. I just might have to make it for her. My husband and I started watching iZombie, soooooooo good!
Netflix recommendations – The Walking Dead! After the kids are in bed of course
I'm obsessed!!
I'm so excited to try the sugar scrub!! You guys must watch Bloodline! So good!
Raising Hope!!! So fun to watch as a couple
Light, laughable humor
Also so happy you posted this Friday! I was looking forward to another post but didn't think it would be so soon
Mad Men!
Hart of Dixie, Revenge, Red Road and weeds! Some of my favorites.
Love your blog!! Always love recommending tv shows
Try Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife, Lost, Once Upon A Time, The Following (if Dexter is your favorite, you will LOVE it), and The Fall!
100% agree!!!
House of Cards is my hands down must-watch-this-show recommendation! We also really love Peaky Blinders and Daredevil. Can't wait to try the scrub
glad you're all feeling well again!
House of Cards is a must! The new Aziz Ansari show, Master of None is really great too!!
I would love to know your process of putting your videos onto DVDs! I still haven't quite figured out an easy path to get them off my phone and stored properly!
Master of None, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Here's a few! Grimm, Chicago PD, Community, New Girl, Castle, The Jinx, Hart of Dixie, The League (football related!), Marvels Daredevil, Nashville, The Newsroom, Up All Night, Witches of East End and of course, there's always the old faithfuls like Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill and How I Met a Your Mother!
First ofd, I've been a reader since the beginning and still think your blog is great! Most of us here are moms and applaud you for tackling three kids every day and still making an awesome blog we love to read. Secondly, I second walking dead and house of cards. I just started watching making a murderer to see what the hype was about, but I'm only one episode in so I'm not sure. Hubby and I go through different shows, too! It's fun
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REVENGE! Seriously, just do it.
I highly recommend Downton Abbey, Suits, Game of Throanes, and Mad Men. Call the Midwife on Netflix is good too. We loved Breaking Bad, Dexter, & OITNB. So I think you will like these. Your blog is always fun to follow! Have a great week!
– Lara Novosad
I LOVE Mad Men! If you like Mad Men you will like the show Suits.
Hart of Dixie is one of my favorites, and The Flash is also a good one if you can get into superheroes (I wasn't expecting to love it at all, but I'm a little obsessed).
Veep is a good one!
Hatt of Dixie is amazing.
Do the little girls flats run true to size? They're just adorable and I want to order but my 3 year old has the tiniest feet. Love your blog!
Fargo, House of Cards, Making a Murderer, Sons of Anarchy, All seasons of That 70's Show!
I haven't read the comments so I'm sure many people have already said these Netflix shows: House of Cards (my fav of these 3), Making a Murderer and Narcos!
When in doubt, we watch Friends. over and over.
Glad you are all feeling better, you are doing so much 3 happy pretty girls, a blog and a clean house!
I thought I was the only one with the hair problem
We love white collar, scandal and lie to me.
If you dont mind reading subtittles Grand hotel is really good as well!
i always love your blog! I have 2 kiddos, and I used to have a blog until my 8 months after my 2nd came along and then i stopped. I have no idea how you keep up with yours with 3 kids!! So, for Netflix shows,
Making a Murdereris good, BUT it might make you go crazy, for real.
Broadchurch – do it! If you love a good myster with some of the BEST hands down acting I've ever seen, watch that.
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is a great cookey comedy.
Blacklist is another fantastic thriller.
Arrow has everything! Thriller, dark & mysterious, plot twists & a smokin hot guy = you can't go wrong!
Mad Men, Pretty Little Liars, The walking dead ( just try it) or SOA ( again just try it) SO good.
I was going to recommend this one too!
Once Upon A Time is my all time favorite show. I just finished watching The Mindy Project on Hulu and it was so good. So funny and even made me cry a time or two. Loved it.
We are going to have to watch Breaking Bad, because we are looking for a new show too.
And your blog is one of my favorites because we have girls the same age, except for I don't have a #3. My two keep me busy enough, so I can only imagine 3. But part of me sort of wants another baby! I love reading your blog, but totally understand family comes first!
Girl! I have very similar tv tastes. Breaking bad is the best ever. Recently on Netflix, I've loved Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch and Broadchurch. Also, making a murderer is AWESOME, but you've heard that from everyone else.
I loved the video of Adele in the car
We just watched "Making a Murderer" and I liked it. We started Narcos too which is good as well. Lots of subtitles and even though I speak Spanish I always find myself reading them and it can be a little distracting! Love reading your blog, never seems stale with 3 little ones!
We just watched making a murder … It's insane lol
I know it's an older show, but I'm almost done with Prison Break and it's so good! Also, House of Cards!
Broadchurch on Netflix is really good! My husband and I watched the two seasons in like 2 days. ha
How To Get Away With Murder!
Friday Night Lights, Nashville, Suits & Revenge
Sons of Anarchy! One of my absolute favorites…I still miss it!!! Plus Jax (Charlie Hunnam is nice eye candy!)
Have to ask, do you keep your scrub in the fridge before gifting? The directions say to keep in fridge but if I'm gifting, not sure how cool I can keep it. Thanks.
I love Downton Abbey. I don't think Netflix carries, but Amazon Video does (so if you have Prime…!).
We are OBSESSED with Blacklist! We have seriously stayed up until 3am because we couldn't go to bed without watching "just one more!". So addicting!
Nurse Jackie is my new favorite binge.
I just finished binging on Scandal – highly recommend!!
We are currently watching "The Following"–seriously so so good-bummed there are only 3 seasons though! Greys Anatomy and Private Practice are good ones too.
My 2 year old is ketchup obsessed- she reminds me of the little boy in big daddy.
'Tis Our Life Blog
Not sure of its on Netflix yet but Homeland is a series on showtime…best show ever!!!
TV recommenations:
Blacklist (binge on Netflix)
New Girl
The Walking Dead
Love watching shows with the hubs:)
We're obsessed with Making a Murderer right now, binge watching it … Sons of Anarchy was an ultimate favorite! Even if you're not a hardcore biker lol, just give it a few episodes ;), house of cards … I think my other recommendations you already watched. (weeds, breaking bad …) I always am negative about a NEW show until I'm in a few episodes and then I can't stop watching! haha
I still love your blog! Keep it up mama! You're doing awesome! I think we all wonder how you juggle it all! xoxo -Leah
The Walking Dead! And Sons of Anarchy – my roommate and I binged this way faster than I care to admit.
Parks and Recreation is so amazing. It makes me happy.
I will definitely have to make those sugar scrubs!
Parks and Recreation, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Friday Night Lights, Blacklist are some of our favorites!
The Walking Dead! My husband and I loved it!
Making a Murderer – but only if you are willing to be completely distraught and upset for at least 72 hours.
The Fall and Broadchurch! Both awesome thrillers!
That grapefruit scrub looks amazing!! I watched wentworth recently and it's similar to orange is the new black, so good! And I never thought
I'd like it but the walking dead is so addicting and the characters are amazing!
Soo good
We really liked The Glades, Prison Break, Break Out Kings, and Sons of Anarchy! We're now on Person of Interest!
Brooklyn Nine Nine
The Walking Dead
Heart of Dixie
Your blog has never been "stale". It's great.
The sugar scrub sounds amazing!
Just finished Netflix binging on Royal Pains, Medium, Crossing Jordan and Sherlock. All very good. Some older but it's been awhile since watching them so they seem new.
Hope you're all feeling much better!
For shows, I'd recommend New Girl, The Mindy Project, Casual (on Hulu), Master of None (Netflix), Quantico, and anything on PBS if you love period dramas! (I'm also a huge fan of Lewis on Masterpiece Mystery.)
Oh, and if you want a hilarious show sympathizing about what it's like to have three kids, try to find past seasons of Outnumbered – it aired in the UK and on BBC America and is one of the most accurate shows about parenting/family life I've seen. SO FUNNY!
Had to comment to say that your blog is never stale!! This has been my favorite online space to visit for 3 years now
Can't wait to see what new you have planned though, I just love your sweet self! As for shows on Netflix, I see a lot of people saying House of Cards and I have to agree there. It's a great show. I loved Dexter but I saw that when it was still running on Showtime. Weeds is great as well. Frasier is my all time favorite show so that beginning to end was fun
We are currently seeing what all the fuss is about with Making a Murderer. We're one episode in but it's very interesting to say the least. Let us know what you choose! xx
We just finished house of cards! And they're about to start the 4th season so that's a huge plus! It is really good!
Check out Younger on TV Land – super funny! Season 2 just started.
My husband and I watch Game of thrones, Vikings, Banshee, Better call Saul (prequel to breaking bad- have only seen a couple episodes so we're not sure about it yet), Homeland
You guys are our netflix binge show twins. We actual;ly watching MadMen right now, and finished Friday Night Lights a few months back. Which if you haven't watched, do, so good. We watched the first 2 seasons of House of Cards, but lost interest in Season 3, and we've seen the first 3 seasons of Homeland which is really good too.
LOVE your blog!! Bloodline is awesome!
Check out The Fall on Netflix!
This is Life is a Lisa Ling documentary series that is good! Not POSITIVE it's still on Netflix, but it was last fall…she already aired season two on cable so that should be coming to Netflix within the next 6 months or so I would think!
I LOVED Call the Midwife!
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!
We loved Rescue Me, there were 7 seasons on Netflix so that was good, although it was pretty raunchy at times
Graceland was also really good.
I second Blacklist!!! It's amazing!
The Walking Dead is our favorite. My current obsession is Pretty Little Liars and now my husband has me hooked on The 100. Also, Scandal!
Don't you hate it when shows end!? We were huge fans of Breaking Bad and it was like saying goodbye to family…lol. We are big fans of Game of Thrones (watch this one now so you'll be ready for the new season in April!). We also watch The Walking Dead and Better Call Saul. The Newsroom, we watched together and absolutely loved…Jeff Daniels was brilliant. I also enjoy Nashville, but my husband can't get passed the corniness. lol This may be silly, but have you watched The Sopranos? We didnt watch it until a few years ago and couldn't believe we didn't watch it earlier!
PRISON BREAK! And Making a Murderer, but that one is only 10 episodes
Prison Break!!!! My hubby and I also loved all the shoes you listed and we really enjoyed Prison Break! Currently we are watching Making a Murderer and Scandal which are both good as well!
We loved Dexter too- except the ending.. We went from Dexter to Sons of Anarchy and that became my new favorite. Charlie Hunnam is AMAZING. I promise you will love it.
As far as I am concerned, Parenthood was the best series ever!!!! Still miss it!I might give one of your other recommendations a try…
I LOVE Hart of Dixie! It is so light-hearted and funny! I could watch it over and over! I am almost done with season two of One Tree Hill!! Brings back the good ole days….or not so good. LOL
I overlooked it a few times but Parenthood is great and it has like 7 seasons.
I overlooked it a few times but Parenthood is great and it has like 7 seasons.