Can we all agree right now that Fall weekends are the very best?! We had the best weather ever, the kind where the temperature is just right, the skies are overcast & the wind blows enough to make the leaves fall off the trees like rain all day long. We went to the Country Living Fair at Stone Mountain on Friday, one of the most beautiful places & so many cool things to see (and delicious things to eat)! Saturday, Harper had a soccer game in the morning, then we hung around the house working on Halloween costumes & watching football. And I figured Halloween week was the perfect time to dress Claire up in her mermaid gown, could she be any sweeter?!
Since it was getting so chilly, we had a fire after dinner & made s’mores. The girls loved it of course & Brandon gave them a lesson in roasting the perfect marshmallow, which I think they took very seriously. Everyone was a sticky mess afterwards, but they were delicious. Can’t wait to make more with leftover Halloween candy!
And then there was Sunday night trunk-or-treat, with the sweetest ever Snow White & Belle!
They were sooo excited about their costumes. There was a major shoe debacle, after getting Eloise dressed she decided to take one of her shoes off and put it in the playroom toybox. This is the exact reason why we are hardly ever on time anywhere. I am running around asking where she put her shoe (because I know she knew where it was) and she is laughing looking back at me repeating “shooz! shooze!!”. Harper has been asking to be Belle for weeks & has patiently waited to wear her dress that she picked out. Eloise yelling “chicka-cheet!” all night & nervously picking out a handful of candy from each bowl was the cutest. They had a blast & can’t wait to do it again in a few days!! I’m not sure who is more excited for this weekend!
Happy Halloween week!! XO
Oh my goodness! Where can I find that adorable mermaid outfit?
It should be Happy Halloweek
haha! They look so cute in their costumes!!! Have so much fun this weekend, we are pretty excited over here too!
They are too cute in those costumes!
Eloise has the perfect Snow White hair! They are all just darling!
So sweet! I was Belle and my little sister was Snow White when we were a couple years older than Harper and Eloise ♡
Where is the mermaid gown from?!?!
Oh I hope you got CHICKA CHEET on video, and will send it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them. Whit's favorite book is SNOW WHITE!
So so sweet!
Hi! Where did you buy the Snow White costume??
These photos are so stinking sweet! I hate to even ask, but I've been searching for Disney Princess dresses for my almost 2 year old that aren't so big that she can't walk. Where did you find the snow white one for Eloise? It looks like the exact size I've been looking for.
You make motherhood look so easy and organized. Where do u find the time to do all that you guys do with 3 kids. I have two (2.5 yr old and a 16 month old) and it's Chaos just getting them to get dressed. Do they ever fight with each other? I feel like I'm constantly breaking up fights.
Any suggestions would truly be appreciated. ?.?.?
The girls look lovely in their costumes! Claire as a mermaid is very adorable! Have a great halloween weekend!
Your girls are too cute! Do Harper and Eloise hold hands on their own or do you tell them to?
They are SO cute!!!!!!! I {love} Claire's Mermaid outfit! We are totally into mermaids around here!
They are so cute!!! I love their outfits. Claire is so cute in her mermaid onesie too.
liz @ sundays with sophie
Love the mermaid dress! They are the sweetest princesses!
Such cute princesses you have!! They are darling.
Those girls look too cute in those costumes! I'll have two princesses as well, Rapunzel and an Elsa =) That mermaid costume is pretty sweet too! Love it!
We made it to the Country Living Fair on Friday as well. It couldnt have been any more perfect walking the shaded trails and drooling over all the beautiful things i would love to spend our life savings on!
We have been counting down to Halloween for weeks!
Your girls look so cute, as always!
Harper & Eloise are the sweetest princesses and Claire is the sweetest mermaid!! Also, is it just me or is Eloise's hair getting so long?!
Oh my goodness. My heart just melted with that last picture!
Very cute
omg I am dying over the cuteness in these pictures! Please tell me about the mermaid swaddle?? I am due with my second in Jan, and that is too cute!!
your family is beautiful!
You take so many awesome pictures! Would you be willing to share how you organize and store them? Do you print? Store digitally? External hard drive? How do you organize albums? Thanks!
I second the need to know where that mermaid swaddle is from! I'm due in March with my first and NEED it!
Looking back at old posts.. Where is the fire pit from?