It’s hard to believe that summer has come to an end, and although I am not sad to see it go (farewell, scorching temps & mosquitos!) it is a Summer that I will always remember & miss. I will miss the laid back summer schedules, seeing little water droplets from the pool on my babies’ skin & the sound of the ice cream truck rolling through our neighborhood every Friday at dusk. I will miss patio popsicles, watching the girls spray each other with the hose & seeing their flushed pink cheeks after playing soccer at the park all morning. We will always remember this summer as the season that we brought Claire into this world, and watched Harper & Eloise grow up faster than we ever thought possible. While blogging has been a bit slower than usual, life has been just as busy & fast paced, and I am thankful as always for all of the memories made.
Your little girls are so adorable! Summer left memories and Fall will bring playing in leaves and Halloween costumes. So exciting!
Harper and Claire are twins!
These are the sweetest photos!???
I love this post. Such a bittersweet feeling. We're ready for Fall over here. Going apple picking this week! Boots and flannel all around.
Oh my gosh, these pictures are the sweetest. Your girls are beautiful. That first picture of Harper looks just like you (just with lighter hair). Farewell summer, bring on fall!
I just love reading your blog, Jessica! I've been following you for years. Your girls are just the sweetest!
I'm sure you're kiddos will miss playing outside in the sunshine too! We can't wait for summer to be over here in Phoenix. Then we can finally start venturing outside. It's just too dang hot right now. Halloween usually marks the first cool day so I can't wait to see my 5 month old son in the grass with his Halloween outfits on :). Looking forward to your fun fall ideas. Love the blog!
Look at those beautiful girlies! I am mostly happy to see summer go, but there are things I'll miss, for sure!
I'll miss summer too, but I am excited for the holidays!!
I came across a post of yours from when Harper was just a baby. I took one look at Baby Harper and immediately thought she looked like Claire. And then I saw another picture of her and she looked so much like Eloise. Then I went to look at Baby Eloise, and she looked a whole lot like Claire, too. Your girls all look so similar as babies! Harper & Eloise were such cute babies, which is understandable as they are now cute toddlers. Claire is also very adorable, and I know she will be just as adorable when she is older.
Looks like such a fun summer!! How do you get your pictures to look so great? Do you use your phone or a camera? I always use my phone but when I post my pics they never look like that great of quality.
Such great pics! I'm in Queensland, Australia so we are in Spring now, but our Summer starts way earlier than it should haha. Love reading your blog! x
These photos are precious! I just love the one of the girls sharing a shake. And the one of your hubby with Claire! Agh so so cute.
"While blogging has been a bit slower than usual…" Um you have been rocking it in my book! I've been following you since Harper was being documented via chalkboard and I've never ever thought you need to post more. I'm in fact amazed that you post as much as you do with the wild and hectic life you lead. Rock on Momma, you are doing fabulous!
such great pictures! Looks like y'all had a wonderful summer
liz jo @ sundays with sophie
Aw love the pictures! So happy fall is here!! Your girls are just adorable!
Great pictures! Living north of Chicago I felt like summer was never going to get here, it was cool for so long! And now I can't believe it's "over". I say over in quotes because of course it's hanging on now and in the 80's for what seems like forever. Sadly the pool and splash pad are closed now so it needs to cool down, there's no reason for all that nonsense without ways to cool off! I'm ready for crisp temps and layers and boots and PSL's and I'm so over summer clothes for both me and my little guy. I also hate this in between what do you dress your little one in when it's hot then gets cool in the same day, lol! We're ready for fall over here too!!!!!
<3 Such a beautiful family!
As the mama to a 16 month old baby girl who is growing way too fast, this really does bring tears to my eyes! You have such beautiful girls and family. I always look forward to reading your next post but know you must have packed schedules and hearts! <3 Thanks for sharing with us!
I cannot get over how cute your girls are! Summer is so fun, but I am read for those cooler fall days.
Hi Jessica!
Awww your girls are adorable!! We live in NC and I am SO ready for fall, too! We just bought a new house and moved in two weeks ago. I decorated for fall as I unpacked, haha. Nothing better than cool nights on the porch with the fam (with a pumpkin brew in hand, of course!).
– Sarah
where are those floral blankets from?? they are so adorable (so are your girls!!)
Your pictures are amazing! Been a reader since Harper was first born, and I really enjoy watching the girls grow up.I have two girls—my oldest is nine months younger than Harper, and my youngest is nine months younger than Eloise, so watching your girls kinda feels like a glimpse into my life nine months from now
I can totally relate to this summer being a special one! my first baby, my little dude, arrived in July
your girls are gorgeous and you're a fantastic mama! here's to all the fun this fall has to bring! XO
So much ice cream & so much fun! I'm sad summer is leaving!
Your photos are amazing! Can you please share what camera and lens you use?
Sweet memories, sweet girls. This was touching and makes me miss ice cream outdoors already!
I just love seeing all of your posts!! I get so many great ideas and you have some sweet girls
Thank you!!
Happy Fall Y'all!!
Great photos and a great recap. Can't wait to see you share your favorite time of year (well…one of) with 3 little princesses now! -NG
Such great memories to look back on!
Hope your fall is as great as your summer was! I love following along!
You are making me tear up because my daughter seemed to grow up so fast this summer too! I can't believe summer is over! But onto the best season!
Is that a hawkey tattoo? We may have an ISU one in our family
Loving this journey you're on and you definitely inspire me to be a better, more interactive momma! Thank you for that!
It is!!
Go Hawks!
Thank you! Most of the above photos were taken with my Canon Rebel and 50mm lens!
Actually maybe not most, but probably half
the rest were with my iphone. Hope that helps!
They are from Little Unicorn
they make the cutest blankets! And thank you!
They all do look so similar as babies, I love sending random pictures of one girl to my husband or mom to guess which baby it is!
Aw, I love your blog and photos in this post. That beluga photo is too die for. <3
LOVE the baby chub!
Do you love your City Select double stroller? I think we are buying that… expecting twins in feb… the reviews for it make it sound so good I haven't really looked at any other strollers.
Such sweet photos! We are definitely ready for fall over here… now if only the weather would cooperate!
That last picture, I can't even! I started reading when you were pregnant! And Harper is so grown now, its unbelievable! Look at all of the beauty you have created in such a short amount of time!
Loving all of these pictures!!!!!! I am sad to see summer go (although we literally have another 2 months of it!) but super stoked for all the fun stuff that fall offers!!!!!!!
Your girls are beautiful! My youngest (who is 9 months) is also named Claire.
Love all the candid pictures- such special memories. And can we talk about those Hawks?! Pretty sure we woke the neighbors with our screaming
It is so sad to see summer go! But I agree, your photos are always so beautiful (as are your girls!) what do you use to edit? Any quick editing tips you have?
That first picture is absolutely perfect! I think it needs to be framed! Your girls are so precious!
I asked the same question but am just now seeing this after I posted. I started out with the canon rebel. Such a great little camera. I upgraded to the Canon 5D Mark ii two years ago. And I use the same lens as you. Love the mark ii. Beautiful girls and beautiful pictures.
Like you I won't miss the mosquitoes, but, will miss the laid back feel of summer. Make the most of autumn
What camera do you use. Love all the pictures in this post!
Love all of these pictures and all of your posts Jessica!!!!! The girls are so adorable and Claire is just the cutest little thing ever!!!!! I am so excited for you guys to be building a new home!!! In 20 years we have been in three different homes and we built all three of them! It's so fun being involved in the building process and getting to choose your colors, paint, flooring, fixtures all of that fun stuff!!!! I absolutely love where you live currently with all the forest trees in your backyard I just love it!!! Building can be stressful so try not to pull your hair out at times! �� lol I can't wait to see how your new home progresses I'm sure you will share it all with us!!!!
Happy Fall!!!!!!
What stroller do you have?
I have a canon rebel as well, but with just the standard lens that came on it. Trying to decide if I should invest in the 50 mm lens. What setting do you leave your camera on for photographing on the go toddlers? I struggle with that the most!
Your blogs are so nice, all images are wonderful taken, thanks for the nice blog
Gripe water
Your photos are perfect! so sweet
So precious! Definitely some sweet summer memories for sure. Harper is definability your mini me!
Hi can you tell me where Harper's shoes are from? The ones with the glitter. Thanks!