Happy Monday, friends! Hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend with the ones you love! Last year on Mother’s Day, Eloise was just a few weeks old, I was crazy sleep deprived & we had said goodbye to my mom after she stayed with us for three straight weeks. It was a really hard time for me, on top of some mild baby blues, I was definitely questioning whether or not I was going to survive. I am so thankful for these two little gifts from God, a third on the way, my mom who moved all the way here from Iowa to be closer to us & my husband, who is the absolute best dad ever to our girls.
Had to share that picture above, this is real life. Harper being her silly little self, skipping and screaming “PAN. CAKES. PAN. CAKES.”, Eloise trying to follow suit & me trying to just make sure they’re not face planting on concrete or running into the parking lot. Mom life, always need a few extra arms, or maybe just longer ones! 
Friday afternoon we drove (in the new minivan!) to my mom’s office to surprise her & bring her lunch from the girls, a little early Mother’s Day treat for one of the most special people in our lives. Brandon came home from work early, we made some homemade pizza & planned a little indoor camp out for Harper. I mentioned on my Instagram (@jlgarvin) how the first time we did this, we got a little carried away & actually set up our tent in the living room. It was the first time we had used it since receiving it as a wedding gift six years ago & we were cracking up at how giant it actually was. We toned it down a bit this time & still had a blast! It is a nice treat for Harper since she spends a lot of time limited to doing what Eloise can do, so she really looks forward to it. Saturday, Brandon & I went to the Zac Brown Band concert, where I drooled over the giant icy cold Stellas & ate two plates of nachos instead. We don’t get to go to concerts often but I vow to change that, it is definitely one of my favorite things to do, especially outdoor concerts laying on the lawn!! Sunday, we went to brunch with my parents & family, you know pancakes are the way to my heart. Brandon & the girls spoiled me with flowers (which Harper picked apart one by one because she just wanted to carry one around with her at all times) and afternoon of lounging on the couch instead of eternally sweeping, swiffering or folding laundry, which is all I could have asked for!
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!! XO
I am so glad you said something about the baby blues. I had them pretty bad the first few weeks and that is the scariest part about having a second kid for me. I can deal with my body healing but the emotional part was rough. I felt so ill-equipped once the hubby went back to work but hey we survived.
Hope you had a fantastic Mother's Day!
Summer Ann
Simply Summer Ann Blog
So fun! Happy Mother's Day Mama Garvin!
What a fun Mother's Day! We had a low key day here too! No dishes or cleaning–although today we made up for it;) happy belated Mother's Day! The "real life" picture is too cute!!
'Tis Our Life Blog
lol love the action shot!
Sounds like a fun weekend! Happy mother's day, mama! PS that picture of Harper running away – love the reality of it haha! I swear 95% of my pictures include at least one boy running off ha!
Sounds like a perfect weekend!! Can't believe baby 3 will be here soon!! Hope you have a beautiful week! Xo
When is your anniversary? My husband and I are about to hit 6 years too. We have sooo much stuff from our wedding that we've never used — and stuff that already needs replacing!
Glad you had a nice Mother's Day! ��
Girl yes! You are so lucky to live so close to such great concert venues… if I lived in ATL we'd be going all the time! We wanted to go to ZBB soooo bad, but we're already going to ATL in just a few weeks to see Dave Matthews Band, and it would have been too much to arrange for someone to keep the kids all day and overnight twice in the same month.
Glad to see y'all had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! You look fab as always! <3
So glad you're claiming the whole weekend as Mother's Day! I told my husband that was the case and he sort of rolled his eyes at me.
I love that you chose to show the photo above because it's soooo real! Pan cakes pan cakes! (; There's always one kiddo running away, one following after, and you biting your lip and praying they don't face plant. (; Glad you had a great mother's day! Isn't it great to look back and see how far you've come?
Happy belated Mother's Day weekend!! Us mommas deserve a weekend for ourselves
We work hard making tiny humans – and then making sure said tiny humans stay in one piece! We saw ZBB in concert a couple years ago and OMG. They are freaking amazing live!!!! Honestly probably the best concert I've been to.
I'm glad you mentioned having baby blues… I really wasn't prepared for the homonal onslaught of frayed emotions after I had my son. I felt like a total freak that when he went to bed I needed to stand in the shower and cry my eyes out for no reason. Damn hormones! Thankfully it past within a couple of weeks, but yeesh.
Can't wait to see this newest Garvin baby! They keep getting cuter and cuter! =D XOXO
Very interested in the VAN! We are looking into getting one. Will you be doing a post about it anytime?
Can I please raid your girls' closets?
They are always dressed SO adorably.
So glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day! You deserve it pretty mama.
Thanks for being so real! Two was a complete game changer for me. I'm glad I'm not the only one who wasn't sure if I'd survive those first couple weeks!
Ok seriously? I may need to buy that green dress preemptively for the next time I that pregnant. OBSESSED! Happy Belated Mother's Day, mama G! So much love to you. Xoxo, NG
What a lovely weekend! Love the photos!
haha i love the outtake of harper running full speed ahead. those pictures are the best! happy mother's day!
I love your real life picture, this is so us! Last year our little girl was still a tiny baby and this year she is a crazy toddler who can't stand still for a single second! I have no pictures from this weekend except a bunch of blurry action shots, ha! Love it! You are looking great mama!
love the comment drooling over stellas so I ate two plates of nachos instead – so true!!!
I think we need a swagger wagon post!!! pictures and all
What a sweet post, although I look forward to every single post of yours, these little every day snippets are the best!
So so awesome that your mama moved closer to you guys. My mom recently just moved from Iowa to Arizona to be closer to us as well. My kiddos are loving have their Grandma around more!