What a weekend! We have had Brandon’s sister & family in town for the last few days, we had Eloise baptized & took our zoo to the zoo. It has been so much fun having a full house, Harper will not know what to think when she wakes up with to a quiet house once everyone is gone. Both girls have had a blast with their cousins!
Bow Chick Pajamas // Navy Chick Pajamas // Grey Wrap Headband // Glitter Bow
Their age differences make things extra crazy & interesting, four, three, almost two & almost one. Luckily we have had amazing Spring weather so the kids could play outside, go to the park and paint & do play-doh on the back porch. And we managed to take some matching pajama pictures to send back to Iowa for grandma!
It is so much fun to see our kids play with their cousins & get to know them better, they all have so many similarities that we just don’t get to see when we live so far away from each other. Can’t wait to share more from the baptism & rest of the weekend. Hope you all have had a great start to your week & daylight savings has been kind to you! XO
Hey Jessica! I love your blog and have followed you from the beginning! And I love the latest blog makeover, but I'm finding the font a little hard to read. It's beautiful, but so small and light that I struggle to read it. I will continue to read it regardless, but I just wanted to let you know in case anyone else felt the same way!
How cute is little Eloise. Congrats on her baptism!
I simply cannot wait to take my little on to the zoo. Fingers crossed that's next month.
Also, I totally agree with you on cousins. I was super close to mine growing up and my daughter will have a cousin in about a week or so! Family is such an excellent thing to be surrounded by. (:
Eloise's face in the last picture is so adorable! You reminded me how quickly Easter is approaching! I really need to get that basket ready.
Eloise with those teeth! She is too cute. And Harper's long pretty hair makes me have hope for my Lucy's scraggly mane. She is 8 months next week so it is fun to read your updates on Eloise and see what's to come! I tried to post this yesterday, but I don't think it went through. While I love your new blog design (it is super cool!), I am having a really hard time with the font. Have you gotten any other comments on this? It's difficult to read because it's difficult to see. Just a thought, either way, keep on blogging! You make it easier to get through my day as a teacher when I see one of your updates!
love the matching PJ"s! Made my day!
Cousins are the best! Love those little chick jammies, we have the same ones
Do they carry those pajamas in adult sizes? I need a set for myself. Too Cute!
El's new under bite smile is too cute! My sister-in-law and I are both pregnant with our firsts and I can't wait to take matchy cousin pictures for Grandma!
Those babies are absolutely adorable!!! Happy Tuesday
You're girls are just too adorable! I'm so glad they had a nice visit with their cousins. Loving the last picture of Eloise. The girls always have such style!
Aw the kids are so adorable – how fun to have cousins around the same age! Those cookies are super cute too!
I love the matching/coordinating pj's! So cute!
precious precious pictures! 20% off my favorite Etsy shop today, up on my blog!! Great girls items!
They are so cute together! And I always love their clothes
I had my eye on the Hop sweatshirt as well but there are just so many adorable bunny things to chose from for the upcoming holiday…I put together a few on my blog as well! Xo Chelsea play. wash. rinse. repeat.
Gorgeous pajama gang
They`re so lucky to have cousins so close in age. Lifelong friendships will be made! My own two girls (2-4) have cousins from the age 15 and up. Oh well, at least they are perfect babysitters!
So cute, and makes me excited to finally get back outside once the snow finishes melting. Reminds me Ashlynn has grown out of her jammies too, oops.
4 kiddos in matching jammies?! LOVE! I can't wait to see the rest of the pics. We love going to the zoo and are counting down the days until the one here opens. 46 to be exact.
Our Little Miracles
Love kiddos in Jammies!! So sweet!
Summer Ann
Simply Summer Ann Blog
those pj's are just adorable! can't wait for warmer days up here to take my boy to the zoo too
Oh those matching pictures!!!! All the cuteness!
Love the pictures of the kids! It sounds like you had a lovely weekend!
Oh my gosh, what a weekend!! I love the matching pajamas and especially Eloise's outfit…those teeth! Too cute!
So cute!
I love those pyjamas!! Perfect for Easter too!
So precious! What beautiful children you all have!
They are all so cute and you can tell they are all related….some similar features. beautiful!
Eloise looks adorable in that last photo, love your style as always!
Cutest little cousin pics! Ellie and her cousins look so much alike and Harper is your little blonde mini twin!
Love their matching pajamas! and Eloise's wrap headbands are always so darling
The two youngest look so alike!!!
they all look SO much alike! wow!
Ahhh! The boy looks so much like Harper and the little girl looks like Eloise! Isn't it cool to see that? It happens to us with my nieces! Family time is always the best!