Alternatively titled, Hey I Heard You Were a Wild One.
I know you’d never believe it, but this little love bug gives me a run for my money. She took her first steps, and has since made a few more. She is a little climber, she will be up the stairs in the blink of an eye & is always finding ways to escape anywhere we put her. It will only be a matter of time before she climbs out of her crib, I am sure of it. She squeals, grunts & makes zombie noises when she sees something she wants, and doesn’t usually stop until she gets it or is distracted well with something else. Little lady is stubborn & wild, but sweeter than sugar.
She loves to be rocked & sang to, singing Rock Me Mama will calm her down anytime she is crying, big sis Harper is always the first one to jump in & sing to her. She is such a snuggler, she could stay in our arms after her bedtime bottle forever if we would let her. She loves hugs & holding our hands to walk, and will always put her head on my shoulder if I am holding her. This is both good & bad, I always wanted a cuddly baby but she never wants to be put down!
She loves to be rocked & sang to, singing Rock Me Mama will calm her down anytime she is crying, big sis Harper is always the first one to jump in & sing to her. She is such a snuggler, she could stay in our arms after her bedtime bottle forever if we would let her. She loves hugs & holding our hands to walk, and will always put her head on my shoulder if I am holding her. This is both good & bad, I always wanted a cuddly baby but she never wants to be put down!
Age: 10 months
Stats: Weighs 20 lbs (70th percentile), wears size 6-12 months & has 8 teeth already.
Favorite Foods: Blueberries, bananas, grilled cheese, apples, mandarin oranges, mac n cheese, cooked carrots, yogurt melts & Cheerios. She shovels blueberries into her mouth faster than I can cut them in half & is the cleanest baby spaghetti eater I have ever seen.
Words: Dada, Mama, & Hi. And I swear she says “blah blah blah” all the time.
Favorite Activities: Eating, seriously this kid is happiest with a mouth full of food. Chasing big sister around the dining room table, yes she is the chaser, crawling at light speed & laughing hard while Harper runs from her. Clapping, swinging, climbing, playing peek-a-boo & taking baths. Dancing, baby girl loves to shake her booty to a little Megan Trainor.
Favorite Things: She loves the play kitchen & all of the fake food and loves to push around the little Radio Flyer walker wagon
, which is still one of Harper’s favorite toys as well. She loves to chew on ice cubes in her munchkin teether
before & after dinner, and loves to play with her LeapFrog LapPup
when we are in the car. She has very dry skin, so we have recently switched to all Honest Co. skin products which has helped a ton, I have loved their hair conditioner for Harper forever, but have become a huge fan of their bath products & body lotion/oil for Eloise. And even though she isn’t necessarily teething right now, she really loves the pumpkin banana teething biscuits by Plum, they’re great because it seems like most snack foods for babies her age are all in small pieces or need to be broken up and handed to them one by one. But these, I can give her a whole thing & she will hold it & chew on it for a while as I make her other foods. And bonus, Harper doesn’t like them so they aren’t likely to get swiped! 
Least Favorite Things: Car seats, sleeping, clothes, shopping carts, strollers, pacifiers, highchairs, baby gates, and really anything else with a buckle or strap. She’s pretty laid back.
Signature Moves: Rocking back & forth, especially in her crib to fall asleep or in her high chair while she is eating. Standing up & squealing with excitement, then falling over. Sticking her fingers in our mouths while we read to her & then laughing. Smiling so big with her bottom teeth sticking out & her eyes closed, it’s really just about the cutest smile ever.
We love you so much, Eloise Ruby! You are the life of the party & your smile lights up the room. We can’t wait to continue watching you grow, you get sweeter every single day, ten months & counting!
Seriously, our girls could be twins. Landry will be 11 months on the 18th and LITERALLY EVERYTHING you wrote could be said about her. Maybe it's those April babies
Where is your bedding and your couch from??
Oh my goodness she's literally the cutest little baby! My youngest is a few days away from 6 months and I'm looking forward to her becoming more vocal & mobile. It's a wild ride but seriously the best!!
Can you please tell where your bedding and black and white pillows are from? So cute! Love your style!
She is so precious…. Love her hair!
she's such a sweetheart
I cannot believe that she is already 10 months! I swear you just posted her birth story! Ha.
She is just too sweet and so different from Harper, I love it.
My Ellie is a huge cuddle bug too and I love it so much!
How is she 10 months old already?! She is so cute! I love the grey blanket on your bed, it matches the colors of my house!
I love your blog. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to update us. I currently have a 9 month old baby girl. My first babe! Can you do a post on transitioning baby from purées to foods they can chew or suck on. Like the solids that you described. My 9 month old currently has zero teeth! So I'm completely unsure if I should start to transition her yet, and also what to give her first. I give her the gerber puffs all the time, which she loves. But I would love some more input from another momma.
Thank you!!
I love your blog. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to update us. I currently have a 9 month old baby girl. My first babe! Can you do a post on transitioning baby from purées to foods they can chew or suck on. Like the solids that you described. My 9 month old currently has zero teeth! So I'm completely unsure if I should start to transition her yet, and also what to give her first. I give her the gerber puffs all the time, which she loves. But I would love some more input from another momma.
Thank you!!
She is such a doll!
Ahh, what a cutie! Congratulations on your first steps, Eloise! ^_^
She is such a doll Jess. I absolutely adore your little girls, and they remind me so much of my little girls. You are such an amazing, inspiring mama xoxo
She is seriously the sweetest! Love the yellow onesie with huge pink flower. Would also love to know where your bedding comes from!
PS: Your "about me" pic on the blog is not showing up due to the bandwidth. Just wanted to let you know!
She is just to cutest thing! Absolutely beautiful!
Bedding is Anthropologie, but it is sold out
Ha! So glad I'm not the only one who says their little girl makes zombie noises when she can't get to what she wants.
Oh Eloise! You're so sweet! I can't believe she is 10 months already; I feel like you just posted her birth announcement! XO
It's amazing how quickly they grow. Love your 10 month update! She's getting so big.
oh, i love her! she's always so darling in her h+r pretties!
In the second to last picture she looks like Quentin Tarantino! Wow!
What a cutie! When is your next one due?
How is she for sleeping? Since she hates soothers, what does she do to soothe herself?
Skylor and her could be twins! I swearrrrr everything you said is him as well and I also swear it's because they are second childs! They watch the big ones get things and are doing things faster than the first ones because they watch and see! It's insane! Almost birthday time, eeee!!
I feel like she is such twins with Kenley, on almost all counts These second babies are such little spit fires… walking all early, causing trouble, chasing big sisters and snugglier than ever. Hope you are feeling well! I keep thinking you are due sooner than you are, I think mixing up E's birthdate with your due date.
I think she is such a beautiful baby. Her personality really shines through in these photos!
Uh oh, you are in trouble with a 10 month old walker! Sounds like my first, early walker and hated being strapped into anything. She sure gave us a run for our money.
Like your summary.
I feel like Eloise and my daughter are soul sisters! Just 5 months apart!
My daughter HATES being strapped in to anything too. Her high chair, stroller, car seat, shopping cart, walker, etc. We ended up getting rid of her walker and bouncer well before she even outgrew them because once the straps were on she'd scream bloody murder until we took her out. She learned to walk at 9 months, eats pretty much all day long, chases her older brother around, snuggles with me everyday in our bed at nap time, we had to baby proof a lot more things this time around that my son never even bothered with. She would rather be held than anything else and climbs on practically every thing. The couch, the stairs, INTO open cabinets. My daughter loves to dance, to anything really. Even music in commercials. We still haven't gotten her to say much except "mama" and her own name but that's even a push "La-La" could really mean anything! My son started using sign language around 6 months to get his point across, we've tried and tried to get my daughter to sign. She literally laughs in our faces and then just grunts and screams, while pointing until she gets what she wants. I don't know if it's boys vs. girls or what but second babies are so much more work! In a good way of course! 
Where did you find that gorgeous comforter/quilt and sham set?!?! It adds the perfect zing for Spring and Summer!