What content do you want to see more or less of on the blog?
There are also a few sponsor spots available now in my sidebar, so if you are an etsy shop or small business & would like to chat about rates, please send me an email with “sponsor” in the subject line! As our family continues to grow, the hours in the day that I am available to work or blog become less & less. And while I understand that sponsored posts & content are always controversial, these options are what make it possible to dedicate the amount of time that I do towards blogging. I can’t thank you all enough for your continued support over the last 3+ years, I have grown to love so many of you, your blogs & all of the amazing relationships that have formed though this blogging community!
And because I can’t post a post without a picture, this one will have to do! Happy Weekend!! XO
You do the best job with the variety of subject content on your blog. Iced coffee + cute babies make for lovely reading. Keep up the good work! I have 3 little ones your kids ages and can barely find time to send an email. Your amazing
I love the redesign! but it's harder to read the font now. Is it possible to change the font on the main posts?
Please add a page dedicated to all of your amazing recipes! I.E; butters, jams, popcorn, drinks, etc! The cinnamon butter is a thanksgiving tradition in our family now thanks to YOU!
The font is a little smaller than before and harder to read. Maybe if it were a little thicker (bold)?
Thanks for being you!
While sponsored posts are controversial, you should definitely take advantage of these opportunities for your sweet family. As far as content goes, I love the everyday shenanigan posts and the holiday posts the most. The side bar and search are so great! I remember going back through your blog when my daughter was born to reread what Harper was eating, doing, and fav products, then I would look for holiday ideas for my girl's age. The side bar will save some time haha. Thanks for continuing to share your life on the blog!
My favorite is monthly favorites! When I run out of ideas of what to do next to entertain her, I go there. If you incorporated that with favorite activities/games/entertainment, that would be awesome too. It is hard to come up with new ideas. Also, I can't imagine why your sponsored posts are controversial. I've been following you from the beginning and it's exciting to see your success over time. Congrats!
I absolutely love your home decor posts, would love to see more! Love the new blog design, clean and simple!
I love your style posts (and would love a tag to see them all together!), and I also love your home decor posts
Can't wait to see what else you come up with!
I like simple pictures of cupcakes (the s'more ones were my fave), breakfast spreads (like the pancake mornings with all the toppings), cool drinks, and things like the bloody mary bar. Basically how to entertain people with style. More of that!
I personally don't read the sponsored posts. Luckily there's only been like 1-2 a month that I've noticed.
I noticed your redesign yesterday but I was on my phone and wasn't sure if it was updated or just how the mobile version looked (duhhhh) I love your home decor style, would love to see more! And of course pictures of your cutie patooties!
Pretty much every post you do is a home run. Reading about the girls is always a pleasure, and Friday Favorites are definitely a fave of mine. I've been following since you were pregnant with Harper, and you have always kept my interest. I'm loving the new subject list on the side too. It was fun to scroll back through some of your first posts. Keep up the good work!
Our Little Miracles
I always look forward to reading your posts! I keep reading your stuff because I like what you talk about. The variety, the cutest pictures of your growing family, the artsy part of it and all! Keep doing what you are doing! You are awesome!
This has and continues to be my favorite blog, from the very first post you have done. I love all of your topics and your rawness. I would love to be able to search for things more easily. I have two kids now and want to look back at your past schedules or routines. I would love to see more everyday real struggles and maybe what a day and the life looks like. Also, maybe date night ideas and clothing (the momma everyday stuff). Anyways, thanks again for this outlet, I wish we lived close and could have the kiddos hang out.
Gahhhh!! I'll never get over how gorgeous she is!!
I love the new look. Your blog is fantastic. I've been following for years and am excited to see your business grow.
You should do makeup/hair posts every now and again. You always look fab and I would love to know what you do to keep it together while running and family!
Lookin' good, mama!
The font is definitely a lot harder to read… Is there a way to change it, or maybe make it bigger?
Love the new design and the search options/bar. I'd love to learn some photography tips!! I don't mind some sponsor posts, I just hope you continue to recommend products you really love.
Agreeing with some of the others on the font being a little small even with 20/20 vision haha I have to say that when you do do sponsor posts, for example your Pop Secret one, you made it like any of your other posts that if there wasn't a need to put the "this is a sponsored post" message I wouldn't have known. Your content is great as it is truly a little bit of everything! I still don't understand how you have time to prepare for all these fun gatherings with the girls runnin around! I have two boys (4 years old and 18 months and while I work outside of the home, blog and have a youtube channel I swear you kill it with how often you post and the quality is always great, even just the simple "what I want to get the girls for Easter!" Wish we lived closer so I had some little girls in my life oh and to use you for your hammocks!
Chelsea | East Willow Grove
I love makeup/style posts. Also day in the life posts. Maybe a whats in your purse post?!
This might be dumb feedback. But I thought my phone was freezing up…when I view your blog on my phone and if you normally slide your finger and you can skim past everything fast…that function doesn't work on your site. I have to swipe and swipe and swipe and go line by line and it doesn't ever just slide down the page. I don't know what's up with it or how that stuff gets set up?! But it's driving me nuts
otherwise I love the new format
I love your blog – I have two kids about the same age. My 9 month old has done a couple yoga poses and I got nervous
love recipes, family ideas, how the day goes with two kids. I loved your blog about making grocery lists for your girl to shop for at home. Genius. Although my child kept opening the fridge instead of getting her fake food and she got bored after getting two items. But that's how it goes right?! Would love family ideas or date night ideas. Also love Friday favorites and funny stories about what your girls say and do!
Keep up your great work!
I love you're posts about just your ordinary days and the funny things the girls do. Those are my favorite as a mama of an 18 month old and 2 month old
But all your posts rock
Love your blog and the new design! http://www.chasingdreamsandcatchinglife.blogspot.com
The blog makeover looks great! I love each & every one of your posts, but since my husband & I do not have kids quite just yet (I am jotting notes from all your awesome baby styles & festive fun kiddie stuff), I am really loving your style & home decor posts. I really cannot wait to see how your dining area turns out. So excited for your brand & hope that with all you have in store for the future, you're able to keep blogging
I think a sponsored post sprinkled in between "legit" posts here and there is totally fine, as long as you are upfront about the partnership.
Personally, I like posts where you share how chaotic life is- there's nothing like seeing someone else's occasional shit-show to make you feel like less of a screw up. I also like your posts on activities you do with your kids, since Eloise is right around my son's age.
Love the new look! And this pic! She is your twin! I LOVE when you post easy party snacks! And new prints! And all things holiday related!
I agree! I like the font itself, but it is hard to read on the white background.
Your blog continues to be the only one I give myself time to read. The "new" look is pretty! I love how you keep it real! I love your Friday Favorites and hope you can make a tab on your baby advice! Cheers to you and your pretty family!
Love that picture and love your blog! it is one of my favorites to follow- I always feel like I know you when I read your writing (if that makes sense! haha!)
Friday monthly favorites is my fave! (maybe have these be sponsor posts too?? Might help those who complain? Idk!) Mama and me style, I also love hearing about day to day stuff, makes me feel like I'm not alone in this crazy gig we call parenting!
The re-design looks amazing. You've already thought of most of what I would suggest. I won't read sponsored posts-other bloggers have ruined that for me, sorry.
I love your monthly update posts on your babies. I have a brand new one month old and just the other day searched for Eloise's one month update. I love your "day in the life" posts as well…I can often relate as I have a newborn and 3 year old. Love, love, LOVE your blog!!
Hey Mama! I have followed since the beginning and you are still my favorite blog.
The tips you've learned from just being a Mama have been amazing… they have helped SO much.. and I love your style boards and all of the cute shops you find. Xoxo. And I LOVE the idea of a search bar!!
I would love to see more friday favorite posts! I love your style and how you style the girls. You always seem so up to date on the latest trends and always have such good recommendations for clothing. I also love reading about your DIY projects!
I adore your blog, and all of us readers know how fortunate we are that you are so open and wonderful with your posts.
I personally love the pictures, of either your family or your home. Your photographs always come out beautifully.
I also love reading about the shenanigans that the girls get up to, and Harper's crazy smart tidbits. I swear that girl is going to dominate in the future.
You also have a great written style when you do the sponsored posts, you incorporate the placement seamlessly into them, without it being so overt.
I love, love, love your blog! Your positive, upbeat outlook on being a mama while still being realistic and honest about the struggles that come along with the blessings of motherhood make you super relatable. I love your home decor posts, especially of the girls rooms. I'd love to see more recipe ideas that you use during the week! It's hard for me to find quick easy meals to prepare during the week.
Love the clean new sophisticated blog design!

As a new mama, I am constantly referring back to your early posts, so I love the idea of a search tool. I love your monthly favorites and must haves. And even though I have a different style than you (love me some french country), I love when you show off different spaces in your house, especially for the babes
More than anything I love just the everyday posts on how crazy and beautiful life with kids is.
Also, love love love anything holiday related.
And girl, you are my favorite blogger, so I appreciate you always making time to blog. You are definitely an inspiration
I have been reading your blog since Harper was born when I randomly found you on pinterest. Despite being a single twenty something with no kids there is something about your blog that draws me in (the adorable children might have something to do with it). The only thing I would suggest as an improvement is to make the links you post open in new tabs instead of leaving your page. Often when I'm ready blogs I like to click on the links as I go and then look at all the suggestions at once instead of having to navigate away from the page and then back again as I have to do now.
Overall, I love your blog and think your daughters are just the cutest. Can't wait to see the adventures of the gavin family with 5 members!!!
I love your new blog! Don't worry about things being controversial. As moms we should all respect that we all do things differently and have different opinions and that's ok. I love Friday favorites and mommy style posts. But I absolutiey love the stories you share about what your cute side kicks aka partners in crime (what I call my daughter) do on occasion. Your stories are nostalgic to me. I have a little sister. Now I have a daughter so it makes it even more fun to follow you. Happy weekend Garvin Family!
Sending love from Texas!
The Novosad Family (Lara Novosad)
I have loved your blog posts since you were pregnant with Harper and have been a huge follower since then. I love the look of the new blog but I do find the new font really small and hard to read. It's almost patchy looking, even at my regular screen size of 100%. Keep up the posts, can't wait to see more of baby #3 and what her name ends up being!
Love your posts about daily life and the "toddler tales"
Just wondering, do you still work outside the home? (I forgot what you said your job was a looong time ago) or are you running your Etsy shop/blogging/being a Mommy now?
I love the new style of your blog it definitely fits you. I love reading any of your blog posts from fashion to family to decor to food and favorites. I want to send you a thousand virtual hugs! Thank you for continuing your blogging and letting all of us in your life!
Love it all! I agree.. I think you need a topic link just for your recipes.. And while you're at it, you can just keep those posts coming
I love the cinnamon butter and I can't wait to try that chili! I also love your Friday Favorites, and the monthly favorites as well. It's a good reminder of what babies like at what age. I'm excited for you and the growth of your brand!
i love all things harper (her style, the cute things she says, etc) she reminds me a lot of my 2 year old even in looks a little bit! love the blog! if sponsored posts mean more posts than go for it!
Font thickness is hard to read. To be honest, I thought the blog was reading in desktop format rather than mobile. Mobile-friendly reading and maneuvering is appreciated.
I love your home decor, Friday Favorites, kid pictures and their milestones. Want more of those and how you deal with the blah side, I.e. tantrums, defiance, when you are home alone, the like. How about how you organize your kitchen, closet, the kids areas.
I don't mind the sponsored posts. I understand your reasoning and you should take advantage of it when it is there. Don't worry about those who don't like them. Your Blog.
Maybe have a recipe post once a month Highlighting your fave recipes for the month. A kids food corner…
We as mothers have hard times, it's okay to rant more. It shows it's not all rainbows.
Photography with simple camera phones and your camera and how you feel kids will sit still so photos are not all a blur.
Ive been wondering, are you still part time working or just a stay at home mom? A Day in the Life ever so often to show changes in your day to day life.
I appreciate the time you take writing on your blog. It makes me happy and laugh. Thank you!
Less sponsored stuff, more day to day stuff. I miss the old days when you would have funny stories about what happened during the day. I enjoy the house stuff too.
I love love love your blog, it is my favorite to read! I love your style and home design and you seem like such a good and fun mom:) and I always go to your blog for fun ideas to do for the home and for my kids. I want to be a fun mom like you
LOVE your blog and have been following since day one. My favourite posts by far are the Mommy ones. The daily shenanigans and baby/toddler tips that work for you. I like hearing about schedules, what you feed your girls, any milestone advice. I'm expecting my second and am about a year behind you so I love reading about what's to come! Thanks for being you
More house stuff
and I never hear about your hubby! Maybe some input on how you get alone time with 2 little ones?
I absolutely love you blog! I don't mind sponsor posts, because you make them seem like a normal blog post! I will agree that the font is harder to read now. I'd love to see more food posts on weekday meals or lunches that you girls will eat too, I'm constantly looking for new healthy recipes for my little family!
I love the variety your blog offers. It is a good mix of momma/babe stuff, fashion, littles fashion, holiday, and entertaining. Some of my favorite posts are the mama & mini fashion and Friday favorites. Keep up the great work!
Your creativity is so inspiring even when it's just the little things. Just keep showing a small glimpse into what all you do! I love the home decor and would love more diy posts. Also, your photography tips would be awesome to read. I love to read how you do everyday things/schedules and incorporate the adjustments to make it all work. You're the best blog out there!
As someone who blogs as well and knows that hours upon hours can go into just a single post – I think it's important that you are able to do sponsored work to be able to get compensated for your time! Blogging is a lot more work than many people realize
I also think you have a great way of making the sponsored posts seem less "businessy" and more personal, so they don't always scream "SPONSORED" to me.
I would love to see more day in the life posts, it's always fun getting a peek into other Mama's days!
I love that you're going to incorporate a search feature, I can't even tell you how many times over the past few years I've want to refer to an old post you wrote and then couldn't find it. I'm really excited for that!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Love the new look! I want more pregnancy updates!
I love seeing your girls and the crafts you do. House updates!! Food. Love your own clothing posts!
I'm bothered by sponsored posts only because I like to get real feedback about which products work well for you and why. When I read a sponsored post I can't tell if you really like and use mustela (as an example) on your girls, or if mustala is just paying you to say you like and use it.
I'd hate to waste my money on products that are not true recommendations.
Would love more home decor posts and home tour or crafty posts too!
I absolutely love the new style! I do agree with everyone else in that the font is a little harder to read, however I like the "cleanliness" of it. Simple black and white.
I personally would like to see more home decor ideas as my fiancé and I are buying a house. I'm always looking for inspiration.
I'm also a big fan of your new finds for every day things, especially from Target. One of my favorite stores! I love seeing posts about the girls and all the adventures you guys have but it would be nice too to throw some gritty "this is hard!" stuff to give a feel of how it is to raise 2 kids, sometimes alone like when your hubby is out of town. I hope to become a mom some day and definitely worry how to deal with all that. Cheers!
I have been following your blog since just before you had Harper and I don't mind the sponsored posts at all. The way you write them it's like an everyday normal post and I am interested in some of the products you write about. And if you helps you bring in some money? More power to you!
Code For Confession
Blog is taking MUCH longer to load. I'm glad I got to read it from start a few weeks ago because it would've taken forever with this new platform.
I love the new layout and your blog in general! My favorite posts that you do are all of your festive goodness
and I also really enjoy the "Friday Favorites", recipes, home decor, and I love when you post your outfits!
Keep up the great work!
I love your blog so much because you are real not showy, love your style with favorite finds for the kids, your holiday inspiration. My least favorite blogs are the ones that go all commercialized to promote products and you lose the sense of realness. Hugs to you for being my favorite blogger!
I love looking at your home photos and how you organize your home! Also love reading about your schedule and routines, and your fun weekend plans because you're always doing such fun things all the time and it inspires me to get out and try new fun things too! Thanks for sharing your life with us! Love love love your blog and have been following since you announced your pregnancy with Harper!!!
I like to know about your day to day. Do you still work from home part time?
I agree… The mobile site is glitchy. I'll be halfway through the post and it'll take me all the way to the top again. After two or three times, I just gave up and said I'd read it when I got home.
Love the new design.
Eloise is sooo cute!
I love the new blog, but I think the font could be a little darker or thicker as it's hard to read. The sidebar is also a bit of trouble to navigate without going all over the place.
i love that "iced coffee" is on your topic section.
on the blog i would love to see more… mini & me! i also have 2 girls with the same age difference as your two girls and it has been very encouraging reading your posts and watching your babies grow. my little one is 2.5 months so i just can't wait until they are old enough to play together like your little ones do. also would love to see more "decorating" stuff – i love your style, i wish i could hire you to decorate my house! 
The new font is super hard to read and the website sometimes has a problem loading
Love your gift ideas and food posts!
Your blog is my favorite, and I check each day to see if there is a new post! While I love what you currently post, I would love to see more recipe ideas, and diy posts. I love your holiday posts and baby product posts too! I really love it all!! Thank you! Can't wait to read about baby #3!!
Love your blog!!! I've followed you from the beginning and you're still my fav. I enjoy reading about your girls and seeing all the amazing pictures. I loved your chalkboard bump updates (with Harper and El) and followed them religiously when I was pregnant with my baby boy last winter. It was just fun to compare my belly with your cute one!! I LOVE your holiday posts and breakfast ideas, as entertaining is one of my favorite things. I also really like that you tag everything, because most of your amazing finds I've bought (don't tell my hubby!)… So happy to see you doing so well and looking forward to reading about your next edition. ♥️
Congrats mama! love the new look. Been following since you were pregnant with harper, and now I have a one year old myself! I recommend this blog to all my friends with babies. I would not have survived without all your monthly favorites and reommendations for pregnancy, postpartum, and registry. I like the variety this blog offers, but my favorites is seeing your ideas for holidays and activities for the littles. Also I like your home decor pieces and fashion bits because I love love loveee your style. Keep up the good work, you're amazing!
Yes! Photography tips would be fantastic- I don't know how you are able to always get such great shots, especially with kids who always manage to move the second you pull out a camera! I also love your recipes (that could also be a link for the side bar)!
I love all the blog stuff that you do, the pictures especially
I love hearing your "Mom stories" and funny stuff the girls have been doing! Those are always funny and all of us mothers can totally relate! I love the holiday posts as well, the sugar cookie recipe you posted is my go to now (so tasty!). All of your parties are super cute too! I can't really pick my favorite, I like it all! Congrats on baby girl #3 I'm sure she will be beautiful just like her sisters & Mom!
I love all the variety of your blog, but my favorite is definitely the Festive posts. You have inspired me to put more effort into even the "little" holidays like Valentine's Day, St Patrick's Day, etc.
Also, I concur that the font is really hard to read, but other than that, love your new format.
The font is hard to read, but other than that, it looks great! I love your chalkboards and the posts about everyday life.
Your blog is my favorite and I love the name "Garvin and Co." Also, love the new blog design. Thanks so much for continuing on with it even though life is very full. I'm always happy to support the brands that keep your blog going if I can.
As a fellow blogger and momma, I can only imagine the amount of time you spend on your blog and custom orders. Personally, I appreciate the time and creativity you apply and if sponsor posts are what help you be able to do what you do then I think I speak for many when I say keep them coming! Your style is quite unique from other blogs so seeing for home-styling posts would be great!
I respect why you do sponsored posts. I think it's great that so many moms have the opportunity to stay at home and still make money. I'm a SAHM too, thanks to the fact that I found an option to work from home. Returning to work after my mat leave wasn't an option due to the schedules my hubby and I both worked, so I feel very lucky.
That being said, I do enjoy your "real life" posts the most. I appreciate when moms keep it real instead of trying to be Pinterest perfect every single second! Holidays posts are always fun, too.
I just found your blog and didn't know you redesigned but actually was thinking how I love the design. Kudos!
I agree with the links opening a new tab instead of leaving this page!
I am always happy to support companies that support families and small businesses, so I appreciate sponsored posts as I know they are helping you support your family! I think people who don't like them or think they are phony don't really understand how the business of blogging works, so I wouldn't worry too much about them. As long as you collaborate with people and companies you feel accurately reflect your life and family, I say good for you. So happy for your expanding brand and new opportunities!
I love seeing your daily life posts – all the small, mundane things you do with your girls make me feel like we're really getting to know your family. Plus it makes me feel better about my own chaotic house. Just keep being you!
I love the new look but I can't read the font very well! I have to squint. Maybe you could boldface the font?
I enjoy reading your blog! I love the different topics you have and some of my favorite are your home décor and of course the baking and chalkboards! I would love to see more diy's and pictures of your beautiful family!! Can't wait to see and read what's in store next
Your blog has found it's way to The Netherlands
I'm a dutch twenty-something year old and I have been following your blog for the past two years or so, and absolutely love it! 'Our weekend' & festive posts are my favorite (oh boy I wish I was living overseas, you guys have soooo much fun holidays). Really like your humor and writing-style, put's a smile on my face every single time. Keep up the good work
Or as we say in The Netherlands: blijf zo doorgaan!
I love pretty much everything about your blog. I read all your posts but rarely comment but wanted to comment on this one to let you know that I love your blog. I love the variety and creativity you have. I especially love all the holiday fun that you blog about as it gives me ideas for my own family and I love it when you do the "keeping it real" posts too. I love the relateability that those posts have. But the DIY projects, the girls updates, pregnancy stuff, recipe shares, and more, I feel like you have a good variety. Love the blog facelift and keep doing what you're doing!
It's very specific but I love seeing what's in other moms diaper bags!!
I love your blog<3 Every post is perfect! Would love to see more on what daily life for you guys looks like. Also, when my little one is old enough I think I'll start an, "Everly says" post to document all the funny stuff she comes up with (saw this on another blog!) would be great to have more, "Harper Says" stories:) XO
I have been following your blog since fairly early in your pregnancy with Harper- and I absolutely love everything about it! My style is extremely similar to yours -though I am not as creative- therefore I love getting inspiration from you. My favorite posts have always been the holiday ones- holidays are totally my thing and I love seeing what other people do. Your hilarious stories are the best- I have been in tears laughing at the computer screen! The new blog layout is great- even though I don't 'know' you- it's totally you! I'm really excited about the search tab you mentioned- I have actually spent a good bit of time searching through posts to find things from years past. I love your blog and would love it to continue for a very long time- so if you need to make sponsored posts to make it happen- then great! Especially since I can't picture you pimping (I couldn't think of a better word! mommy brain, sorry..) out any products that you wouldn't actually use yourself. Keep doing what you're doing, it's perfect. Thank you!
If you press command and + it'll make the type bigger
I really really want to hear how you always capture s7ch crisp, vivid, and bright photos. I know you've briefed on this but they are so perfect even when the kids are moving. Mine are blurry, dark, or just washed out even with filters. Never captures the beauty of the moment which is frustrating when trying to capture the moment and yet not wanting to take a gazillion pics in the perfect lighting, with the perfect settings, etc. Help.!!
My only pet peeve about the blog redesign, is that I can't read your blog post on the main page. It's truncated so I have to click on the title, wait for it to load. I know it's just one more click but I find it sooo annoying!!!
I like the layout and look, but the font in your posts is now really hard to read.
LOVE the new look…so clean and crisp!!
Would love to see more updates on decorating! We are moving to our new home in a few months and need some inspiration
Love the new blog design! Very clean and fresh!! I love your easy recipes and home/decor posts! I'd love to know how you manage to keep everything so clutter-free – I feel like we have so much "stuff" and I never get that impression from your blog! (even with 2 littles running the show- it never seems like you have an overabundance of toys or things around) I've gotta know – how do you do it!
I love the new simple look of your blog! Its beautiful! You are doing an amazing job and its always the high light of my day to read your posts. Keep up the great work
I understand that this is a "baby blog" but maybe more "lifestyle" geared posts about you and you and brandon? i love seeing and hearing about the girls but husband/wife and general life stuff is awesome too.
Like I have said before in previous comments, I love, LOVE, love your blog. been following along since I was pregnant with my son is 2012.
I love the new look, I think the font is easier to read now as it's slightly bigger, would be great if it was a bit bigger though.
I love all your posts including sponsored ones. I'm in South Africa so I don't benefit from these but I still love to see them.
would love to see more day to day stuff, mama style, baby style, home tours, how you organize your home and how you cope with 2 children and how you discipline them. would love to see your day to day life and what you do most days, How you manage to work and still do so much with your kids. I just love seeing how other people, especially in other parts of the world. You do blog often but I wouldn't mind more :). I totally look forward to new posts.
I would love to see you reply to comments, but I do understand that you probably don't have time.
LOOOOOOVVVVEEEE this blog so much and I try emulate just how fun you make everything
Thank you for sharing so much of your life with all your readers.
Much Love
more photos and pregnancy updates!! Your family is so beautiful, and with a lot of things for my family, I tend to look to you as an example. I wish we could have more photos (trust me, I understand getting photos can be hectic when you're trying to live your life) would be AWESOME. I love the party posts, and "idea" posts (for gifts and holidays). Maybe some more tradition posts, where you share your traditions you all have as a family. It has really helped me as I have progressed through my first year of motherhood to have someone as amazing as you and your family to look up to, and encourage me. Love the new blog!
I absolutely LOVE the new layout! I've always loved the diversity in your posts – always something different! Would love if you were ever able to get around to doing some hair/makeup tutorials (like a video), but I know those can be totally time-consuming. Either way, your blog is my favorite of all the blogs I read!
I want more home decor posts, and also, your sponsor posts are probably the least-annoying ones I've ever read because you make them seem like a part of your regular content. Love the re-do!
Love your blog and don't mind the sponsored posts at all. Would love to see more of your style, updated home tour, closet tour?, maybe some diet tips, plus always love all your fun stories about your minis.
I love all things Harper and Eloise! Especially the funny stories! I love your home designs and baby bump updates and of course H&E updates too! Your diy projects are always fun and I love your holiday stuff!
Love the new layout
And that picture of Ellie might be my favorite ever! Such a beauty!
Love the new look! I love reading "Day In The Life" posts as well as recipes. I also enjoy the things that give us a look behind the scenes (photos of your kids not sitting still or pinterest fails… all of which make me feel more human and not alone when my child is up at all hours of the night or crying.)
I would love to hear more about activities you do with your girls. What do they do all day? But I also love the holiday posts and decor posts. I miss the chalkboard updates!
The home decor posts interest me too. But, the random family happening – tree falls, you go out for dinner, etc are great reads too. If possible, do less sponsored posts – I know they bring in cash, but, they feel forced.
LOVE your new layout! And the sponsored posts don't bother me at all! I LOVE all your gift/toy/clothing ideas you post- please keep posting those! And love your everyday photos- of kiddos, everyday life photos, and photos of your awesome food creations!
Let me start by saying this is my all time favorite blog! I love the way you write and I do not mind sponsored posts at all. I absolutely love the new layout and think the clean black and white is so crisp and fresh! I do however feel the text is a little hard to read but once my eyes get used to it all is well. The thought of being able to search the blog makes me elated! I have especially been referencing the registry area lately as I build a registry of my own. I also love the monthly favorites and use your suggestions for gift ideas all the time! Keep on keepin' on mama! You're doing great!
I'd love to see more day in the life posts and more monthly and holiday favorites. Love all of your ideas!
Would love to see
also, just wanted to let you know that when I scroll on my phone to read your blog, the home box scrolls down as I read too and sometimes blocks your writing so ita hard to read. And for some reason scrolling quicker to bottom to leave a comment used to be easier. Hoping some of these little glitches will be fixed. Overall love the style of it though! I do love the font too and I don't find it hard to read as others have said but I guess I can see why some are having issues with it.
More recipes ! I tried your cookies one over holiday and we loved it !
I love the new look of your blog! I noticed it last week. It looks great!!!
I love seeing all your favorite things you post for the girls and your favorite finds. The girls are getting SO big!
So glad you have your hubby home for a while now. 
Love love love the new design…you already know I love your blog and am just obsessed with whatever you post! Keep the babies, home decor, food, festiveness, baby bumps, etc etc coming!! You are just the coolest and I will never get tired of trying to copy all of your artistic and creativeness
Thanks for blogging! Yours is one of my everyday reads! I would love to see more of your 'favourites' – toys for babies and toddlers, clothes (both for moms and babes), gadgets, books etc. Congrats on baby #3!
I gotta say you could paint this blog the ugliest shade of everyone's least favorite color and it would STILL have me coming back multiple times a week to read up on your crazy adventures. I've loved your writing every since you were that Pinterest girl
Along with your pregnancy posts and updates about your girls, I have also loved the occasion peek into how you decorate your house, especially during the holidays. I'm a recently engaged twenty something with dreams of owning a big home and having my own kids, and you're style is so clean and modern, I just want to emulate it when I move into a larger space with my fiance (and our cat!)
Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve with baby #3!
xo Marie
Chocolate & Wine
You are my absolute favorite blogger – I love your sense of style, home decor, and daily happenings
So much fun to read and break up my word day
I check out your blog daily but would love to hear what other blogs you enjoy and follow. I found your blog on Pinterest and dont know how to find others that are similar to yours. Thanks!
I would love to hear some of your favorite blogs! I read yours daily but also feel I am become stalker-ish because yours is the only good one I have found so far
— that is not to be taken literally. What are other blogs you enjoy reading? My favorite content that you post is the random daily activities and home decor posts 
You are blogger extraordinaire! I absolutely love following you and your little family. Whatever you are doing, keep doing it. Bring on more favorites, decorating ideas and updates on those amazing girls! Your advice helped me through my pregnancy (my little one was born a week after Ellie) and I have referred so many new moms to your blog. I love that you have made this a business and don't let anyone give you crap about your sponsored posts. I truly believe your disclaimer: you wouldn't write about it if you didn't really believe in it. Now onto the negatives…my shopping is out of control. Sending love…Happy blogging!
I love your blog! I would love to see more decor post, recipes, & day in the life post. Love the updated look!
I'm a busy mama myself, but your blog is the only one I set aside time to read!!! Keep the posts varied – I like reading a bit about everything!
Love the new look! What do you use to edit your photos? Any tips? They always looks so crisp and bright!
I would love to see some posts on photography. I've followed your blog close to the start and your pictures just get better with each post. I have so many questions; do you strictly use your iphone? how do you get your images so crisp and the colours so vivid? do you use filters or apps, if so which ones. Show me your ways!! Oh I also love the everyday stories about the girls, holiday posts with gift giving ideas and home decor.
Love the new blog design! I love seeing baby & mommy favorites! Gives me an insight into some new products I could be using for me & my baby girl! And don't even fret about the sponsored posts! Most bloggers would love to have to opportunity to write sponsored posts! Go you!!
Would for you to do some more blog posts that lets us know a little bit more about yourself. i.e a questions and answers post, confessions, or just fun facts we don't know about you. Are you still working part time in marketing or have you devoted all your time to blogging/etsy shop? Love reading your blog and how relatable you are!
I love the new design, but don't change a thing other than that! Your posts are so organic and candid – it's inspiring and that's what makes your blog so fabulous!
I have a one-year-old and I shamelessly copied you chalkboard idea, albeit not as well, when I want pregnant. Thanks for all of your ideas and inspiring the rest of us with little ones!
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I love the new look, though I liked the last one too :). I just recently re-did mine and I have to say I kept coming back to yours to make sure mine was at least 1/2 as good. I love reading your blog and your kids are adorable. I can't wait to have my little one in a month. Thank you for being such an inspiration.
JOIN US IF YOU WANT TO BE OUR BROTHERHOOD The Illuminati contact us: illuminatifamous.world@yahoo.com YOU CAN VISIT OUR WEBSITE illuminatiworldfamous.webs.com The Illuminati is a defunct secret society formed by a fervent Academic, Adam Weishaupt in Balvaria, 1776. The cult as its name suggests, was a group of intellectuals who came together to instill discipline in themselves, infiltrate government agencies, and create a new world order. However, the original illuminati was disbanded by the government of Balgaria, when all secret societies were banned, though even before then, strong internal problems were already leading the illuminati cult to termination.
That was the 18th century Illuminati. The 21st and 20th centuries also have an illuminati sect which in words you are more likely to understand, is supposed to sign you up pull you into their chain of command, give you enlightenment, and then, power, as you’ll be playing sinewy roles in the government. This arti cletries to bring to light, facts about the modern illuminati, and also helps the reader to join, and utilize the opportunities availed by the sect, which are enlightenment, enrichment, and empowerment. The illuminati make people rich, famous and astoundingly powerful. The illuminati, which means
enlightenment, purges your mind of all vestiges of ignorance, backwardness and naivety. It brings you out of the delusions and illusions which you’ve been subjected to by numerous religious escapades, and when you are relieved of these non-propitious encumbrances, success becomes inevitable. Knowing that many of us do not understand the illuminati as it is, I’ll go ahead to expound on this wonderful phenomenon and am hoping that by the time you get to the last paragraph of this article, you would be on your way to becoming “illuminated”. It would do the reader good to note that the Illuminati of
the 18th century is not the same with the modern illuminati. The former was a cult, while the latter is a consciousness. IF YOU WANT TO BE OUR MEMBER YOU CAN email us at: illuminatifamous.world@yahoo.com YOU CAN VISIT OUR WEBSITE illuminatiworldfamous.webs.com