Happy 2015, friends!! Hope you have all had an amazing start to the year. We had a fun night out with friends & ended the night at home with family kicking back to ring in the new year on the couch. And I was in bed at 12:05.
I decided this is the year of no resolutions for me. Things are hectic & chaotic, and I’m kind of okay with it. And with another baby on the way, our goal is really just to stay afloat!
I’m taking it one step at a time around the house as I always do after the holidays, organizing spaces & getting rid of things. I did buy the book The Happiness Project
(which I think I am like years behind the rest of the world who have probably already read it), but I have heard amazing things about it being very motivating & inspiring for living a happier, more simplified life, especially for the start of a new year. But aside from that, I have agreed to a year of no expectations. I guess we can start with these half assed festive pancakes.
In related news (to things being crazy & chaotic), Harper & Eloise are moving in together! I know that this may not be the best idea & there’s a good chance that naps/bedtime/waking up will all become a total shitshow. But, since we use one room as an office/playroom/guestroom/storage space, that leaves us with just two rooms to work with for the kids. So over the course of the next 3 months, we will eventually move the crib into Harper’s room & the girls will become roomies. It will be a challenging, but hopefully fun, adventure. I fell in LOVE with this crib sheet recently so this is the start of some of fun decorating that will take place as we combine their things & give them a shared space! 
We also have a stander!! Eloise is pulling herself up all over the place, walking along furniture & is ready for takeoff. We put up baby gates after we took down our Christmas stuff, which is helping a little, but also leaves Harper stuck either inside or outside of them screaming every five minutes for me to help her get through.
And that is the start of 2015 for us! I would love to hear your resolutions for this year if you have any!
Hope you all enjoy your weekend!! XO
I love not having a resolution! But for me, I need some structure lol! Mine for the year are:
-read the entire Bible. I went to private school and have always gone to church (every other Sunday or so) but I've never read the Bible cover to cover.
– Get healthier. I'm skinny but not toned and want to make my health a priority, eat better and get more exercise. Not necessarily lose weight.
– be the best wife and mom possible.
Happy New Year!
Summer Ann
Happy New Year's!!! Great idea to have no resolutions! I have a few – reinstate Friday Night Date Night with my husband (we just stay inside and will take turns cooking dinner and planning an evening once the girls go to bed), start working out again and relax / enjoy the moment! My husband and I deleted FB for the month of January and I can't even explain how great that's been!!
Cheers to the New Year!!
-Sarah http://www.thefrugalmillionaireblog.com
My only resolutions are to pass nursing school and graduate in Decemeber (hopefully with some sanity intact) and to keep my almost five month old happy and healthy.
Hahaha poor Harper getting trapped! I love the idea of my daughter sharing a room with her future siblings. We have one really big room that I'm sure will fit at least three twin beds. That's several years down the road though! Best of luck!
My sister and I shared a room since she was six months old! We loved it! Like having a sleepover every night:)
That book is amazing. I'm pretty bad at living life simply, but that is my resolution this year. Life with a non sleeping 4 month old requires some simplicity!!!
My husband and I have a two and a half year old son and we're expecting twins in two weeks so we're in the same boat as you – we just want to survive this year! Three children seems so daunting! Good luck to you!
Love keeping up with your family! So excited to follow along another garvin pregnancy and a all your great ideas!
My girls share a room and they love it! I was supernervous about the transition but they totally surprised me and did great! My girls are 19 months apart. Good luck! It's always easier than we build it up in our heads!
Love your huge chalkboard! Did you make that or know where we could buy one that size? And, congrats on baby #3!
Isn't that ostrich the most cutest thing you've ever seen in your life? I got one for my daughter for Christmas and I'm obsessed!!
Congrats on having another baby! You are so brave! I'm a new mom to an almost 4 month old and I couldn't imagine having another right now! My hats off to you!!! Can't wait to see the girls shared space!!
Where did you get those 2015 headband tiaras? I already want to get some for 2016!!
We are expecting our third, as well! And we are also in the same boat as you…our sons are becoming roomies in the next few months ? The whole transition is extremely exciting and totally scary at the same time. I feel like I just got used to taking care of two…when my husband and I found out we looked at each ther like, "what did we just do??" ? But I'm fairly certain life isn't fun unless it's chaotic. So here's to an amazingly chaotic 2015!
All so great! I have three girls, close together (20 months apart and then 17 months apart) and it's the best. Very crazy at times, but you're gonna love it. They are all in the same room now which is ridiculous but works. E and H will love being together. It'll be a smoother transition than you think. Best wishes to y'all!!
We recently moved our 3yo and 9mo into together. It was a rough start but it is totally working now. Give a shout if you need any tips. Good luck and happy new year!
You will love The Happiness Project!! Happy 2015
Cute pics, I especially love the dotted crib sheet! I read the Happiness Project a few years ago and enjoyed it! Happy weekend
XO Kelly
can i just invite myself over to your house on holidays? sometimes i seriously struggle to get in the spirit but after seeing your festive posts, i'm all in! best wishes on baby #3 (!!!) and for 2015!
You are so brave moving the girls in together! I'm trying to move my 27 month old and 10 month old in together and their ages just aren't working yet. Good luck!
What great news to the start of a New Year! Congratulations to the family! I think my only resolution is to finish up losing those last few baby weight pounds and trimming but beside that, just enjoying my little family and the rest of my maternity leave with my little girl since this will be the second and last baby! Kinda sad!!! sniff sniff! Happy New Year 2015
Some of my favorite memories are with my sister in our shared room! We loved sharing until we got older-and even when we separated rooms we were always hanging out together in one of them. I'm sure after their transition your girls will love it!
I moved my boys in the same room together a few months ago and it went great. I did have to put our pack 'n play in our guest room for a little bit because my youngest (8 months) was going through a sleep regression and would wake up at random times of the night screaming his head off and waking my oldest (2 1/2 years) up. I'd just have a backup plan set for if times like that arise. So excited for y'all and your new arrival!
I moved my boys in the same room together a few months ago and it went great. I did have to put our pack 'n play in our guest room for a little bit because my youngest (8 months) was going through a sleep regression and would wake up at random times of the night screaming his head off and waking my oldest (2 1/2 years) up. I'd just have a backup plan set for if times like that arise. So excited for y'all and your new arrival!
Never heard of the Happiness Project! Purchasing!
Happy 2015!
Hi sweet friend! Such an exciting start to the new year for your lovely family. I always enjoy following along by peeking at your instagram pics after visiting your blog. When I clicked your instagram link today, it said that your account is private. I've never had that happen before. I don't have my own instagram account, so I'm not able to follow you. Thought I would mention it in case you didn't mean for it to be private, but if so, I completely respect your desire to do so….. I'll miss following along. =)
We don't have much in the form of resolutions here either. Aside from looking for the positives more often.
Looks like a great way to start off 2015! Congrats on baby#3!!
I saw this rug at Heart and Home Collection and it reminded me of the girls' new sheets, so I thought I would share! It may or may not be what you're going for! ENJOY! & can't wait to see the finished room!
Our resolution for 2015 is to make a conscious effort to spend more time with friends! at home..
Whaaaattttt? You really snuck that in there! Congrats!!! My resolution is just to work on balance. Isn't that always the goal? As for kids sharing rooms, we have a three bedroom and 4 kids so the boys are together in one room and the girls in the other. Bedtime works best if we stagger so one is already asleep. Although some of the cutest conversations have taken place in that shared time when they are both falling asleep. Good luck!
Love those sheets! Any idea what the pattern is called? I've googled myself out and can't seem to find it. I'm looking for a slightly cheaper version of these sheets because they are TO DIE. Xoxo
It will go so much better than you think. We had moved our boys together when our youngest was 3 months. They are three years apart. Now almost 1 and 4 years and they love sharing a room!
Sounds like I need to read this book!
Resolutions Include:
Seriously getting organized / less messy – I still keep my room like I'm 15!
Losing the baby weight from Baby #1 (she's 16 months..) so to get ready to try for Baby #2
Try for Baby #2
Same goal of simplicity and simplifying here! The world gets scarier every day, the price of everything goes up while wages are stagnant, so many people base their self-worth on how many internet "likes" they get, etc. All I want to do is get back to what really matters in life: my family and creating a cozy home where we all feel loved and safe.
She made it! Isn't it amazing?! There's a link to "Chalkboard Tutorial" at the top of her blog.
Love all of your pics! So darling. Happy New Year.
No resolution here, for the first time that I can remember… I decided that since we already have a hectic daily schedule with our almost 2 year old, and due with #2 in June that I have many other things to focus on right now. Esp since we just moved into a new home! Too much going on lol
Having my boys share a room was the best decision we ever made. It was a quick adjustment that really paid off. Good luck with the transition!
Happy new year! The pancakes are extremely festive – it would be a total fail if I ever tried number pancakes. (To tell the truth, for my 14 month old who doesn't know good pancakes, I bake a giant tray of them and then cut them up and freeze them #lazy). The happiness project has been on my list for years. The list that grows faster that I can read. I love not having resolutions. A year is so damn long to commit to something that I never follow through anyhow.
That is so exciting! Congrats on your new baby. I love all your chalkboards and home décor. I recently, as of last summer started a simple living journey myself. My life has changed so much. This year I am working on my dreams and living with a more positive attitude. I also started a blog about it…www.thisisreallife.co This experience has been like no other!
I haven't read The Happiness Project yet. I have heard of it but never picked it up. You will have to let us know what you think as you read or once you finish (depending on how much time you have to read it with all you have going on).
Sounds like you had a more adventurous New Years than we had! We stayed home, watched Game of Thrones, and were asleep by 9:30pm… haha.
Cheers to a lovely 2015 for you!
So exciting…I can't wait to see your new spaces!! Those two girls are going to be the best of friends…I can't wait to find out if Baby #3 will be Girl #3 or not!! SO FUN!
You're not the last one! I've had The Happiness Project on my Kindle wish list for a while now. I just have to actually buy it!
Did you know Room on the Broom is an animated movie, now? We were browsing Netflix and came across it. It is so cute!
You're not the last one! I've had The Happiness Project on my Kindle wish list for a while, and just have to buy it…
Did you know that Room on the Broom is an animated short movie, now? We were browsing Netflix and came across it. It is so very cute!
My resolutions include moving my almost two year old back to his crib from our family bed, saying "no" to my children more often and sticking to it, and learning to communicate with and have more patience with my 6 year old.
LOL- "I still keep my room like I'm 15" …hilarious…
YAYAYA!!! I had to go back to the other post because i was like," what?!!? ANOTHER baby!!!" I am so happy for you, surprise babies are the best and the only way to come…..I think sometimes if theyare left up to us, we would be fine with two! THREE is awesome and I'm so glad they are so close in age!!! yay! congrats!
So much new excitement for your family! Can't wait to see all of your pregnancy and chalkboard posts. Also, I can't wait to hear what baby #3 will be. But regardless, he/she is sure to be a doll! Happy New Year Garvins!
We just got our almost-2 year old out of her crib made makeshift bunk beds for the girls out of the IKEA Kura bed yesterday! Trying to make the transition early enough before baby #3 comes in May. Thanks for the book suggestion! I have never heard of it but sounds like something that could be very useful! We are trying to simplify our lives as much as possible and this sounds like the perfect read!
My kids are exactly two years apart, and I have another on the way (he will be 14 months younger than my last child). We also had to rearrange the sleeping situation since we live in a small southern CA house. I was scared to move them in the same room for fear of a bedtime shit show, but after two weeks of them chit chatting/the older one screaming "be quiet, Cah (Carla)! The sun is not up!" they've adjusted just fine. Congratulations on expecting another–will be nice to follow along another mama with kids super close in age.
It's a great book. I've started my own Happiness Project because of it. You won't regret picking it up. I promise.
I just finished The Happiness Project. No joke that book will change your life. It helps you look at things completely differently and also makes you realize that going ape shit crazy over the little things isn't worth it. Best book I've read in a while.
The happiness project is such a great book. I found it to be relaxing and motivating if that makes sense. She is just so logical! Congrats on the next little one. We are expecting our first baby, a girl, in March and I have showed my husband pictures of Eloise and her headstands- makes us both very excited and a tad bit less nervous:)