It’s another GIRL for the Garvin family!!! That’s right, our ultrasound yesterday confirmed that baby number three is indeed a baby sister, can you believe it?! We are so excited!!!
Tutus & Crowns & Glitter, OH MY!
I love these two little beauties more than anything in the world, and the thought of adding another to our family just overwhelms me with joy!! We decided that all of the money we would save from having to buy boy clothes should just go to a recliner for the garage for Brandon during the girl’s teenage years. Seems fair right?!
He is the absolute best girl dad & one of the first things he said last night was that he really needs to step up his game braiding hair. We are so happy knowing just a little bit more about the babe in my belly & are more excited than ever to meet her!!
“He stood back & told the boys, I’m ’bout to rock your world. And God made girls!”
Please let me also apologize for leaving you hanging, I had every intention of posting last night after our ultrasound (which wasn’t until 6pm, longest day ever) but by the time we got home, the night just got away from me. Harper is getting her molars & Eloise is still teething terribly as she is getting lots of teeth all at once, so we had lots of tears at bedtime. But thank you all for the kind words & thoughts, we truly appreciate it & I am so happy to finally be able to share the news! XO
OH MY GOSH!!! I am so excited for you! Congratulations!!! Now the fun part…picking out names!
Keep doin' what you're good at — YOU GUYS MAKE SOME BEAUTIFUL LITTLE LADIES! So excited for you all!
Congratulations Jessica!!! Another little girl for your family!!! I can't wait to see what you name her and if she looks like her sisters!!! So exciting!!!! I'm going to email you about sending you 3 (!!!!) girls some pretty accessories!!!! Congratulations again!!!!! XO Danielle
Yay I am so excited for you guys!!! Did you get a 3d/4d ultrasound? I am due July 10 and I've heard that is the best way to tell the gender as early as possible. Cannot. Wait. Any. Longer!!!!
EEEEEEE! So exciting! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woot woot! girls are some of God's greatest blessings!
This is such wonderful news! I have been following your blog since baby Harper and it has been SO fun to see your family grow and grow! I am also due in July (my first) and it is extra exciting following this pregnancy as I can totally relate. Congrats to you and your sweet family! xo Holly
I started following your blog when I was pregnant with my first (and you were pregnant with Harper). Your attitude toward life makes me happy and so does this news! Congrats, Mama!
Three of a kind is so much fun! Congratulations!!
I'm seriously so excited for all of you! I refreshed your blog and instagram about a million times yesterday!
I've got three little girls – 4.5, 3 & 4months! Seriously so fun!!! Team girls all the way!
Girls are so much fun! Plus you already have the most adorable outfits for her! Congrats! I'm excited to hear what you decide to name her! I find girl names so hard!
Congrats! So exciting & terrifying all at the same time!
I have no doubt you will breeze on through this one just like the others and then have lots of adult beverages through those teenage years!
WAHOO! Girls are the best! Congrats!! I miss your semi daily posts, but I understand, pregnancy is exhausting with just yourself, but add 2 kiddos under 3 into the mix and it's insane!
Daughters are the best! I have three daughters (all adults now) and they have all stayed close to us. Congratulations!
Congratulations!! I was secretly hoping for a girl…. and don't apologize you have a life to live…. we can wait
Congrats on another sweet girl! I truly enjoy reading your blog and can't wait to see how adorable baby # 3 is going to be!!!!!
oh congrats!! i'm the youngest of 3 girls and as you already know we're so much fun and fully of excitement!! Congrats again!
SOO FUN!!!! Although the teenage years will probably be rough imagine them all sharing clothes and having each others back during the hard girl times! Brandon's braid comment is so cute
He should start reading/watching The Freckled Fox's blog for tips. Congrats guys! And hey, if you need any future boys, I got a 4 and 17 month old up here in Michigan for ya
Chelsea | East Willow Grove
Yay yay yay!!! Congratulations! I was in a family of 3 girls and it was the BEST. IS the best!
So so excited for you guys! I thought for sure when I saw you pinning boy outfits on Pinterest yesterday it was a boy!
Tricky! Congratulations!
Congrats Garvin Family!! Three girls will be so much fun! My mom had four sisters and they were all 15 months apart, they are the best of friends!!
so excited to meet her and watch your sweet family grow again! If anyone can do it, it's YOU! Xoxo
Wow! Congrats on another girl!! I cannot wait to see the continual cute posts!!
can you please make your instagram public again?? I don't have an account but love following from the blog
Finally!!! YAY for GIRLS!!! Love this. Congratualations to the Garvin Family!!! XOXO
Congrats, 3 girls, that is just wonderful! We are expecting our first in July and not finding out the sex, but am secretly hoping for a girl!
Girls are awesome! We were 3 sisters growing up and I would not trade it for the world! CONGRATS!
I've been waiting even longer as its almost 4pm in UK! Massive congratulations to you all. I'd love three girls.. You could launch your own girl band!!
Loving the blog but make sure you rest too! Xx
That is soooooo exciting!!!! Girls are the best! Congrats Garvin family!
bahhh!! I am just so excited. i was betting you were having another girl. so cool!
I am pregnant with my 2nd daughter and would be stoked to have 3 some day too.
girls just rule.
so excited to hear the name! if or when you share and see how this nursery goes down. =) smiles and hugs!
So exciting! Another beautiful baby girl to add the the Garvin Family. Praying God continues to give you a wonderful pregnancy! Congrats Garvins!
So excited for you! I have loved watching the "Garvin Girls" since Harper was in your belly and can't wait to continue witnessing your journey with your precious ladies!
Ah I am so excited for you! I knew it was going to be another girl and honestly, a house full of girls is the most adorable thing ever. Though I'm sure there will be arguments and fights, they will be the best of friends and always there for each other. Congrats! -Chelsea play. wash. rinse. repeat.
Congratulations! I'm so happy for your family – harper and eloise get a little sissy! Woohoo!
Congrats!! So so happy for you and your family! Can't wait to see what you name this little one! Are you breaking out the chalkboard again for this pregnancy??
Oh my goodness they are gonna have so much fun growing up together and you'll have so much fun dressing them up!
YAY YAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited for you sweet friend
Three girls is going to be a world of fun and I cannot wait to see all of them together…maybe that'll give me the strength I need to go for #3 too
AHHHH!!!!! Congrats!! So happy for your and your sweet family. Seems like your hubby is the best girl daddy ever!
Ahh, 3 little girls! How very fun! So happy for all of you
Yay another girl!!! Congrats!
Eek!! So excited for you! Three precious little girls!
Congratulations Jessica!
We're so excited to find out what our 3rd will be at our ultrasound! I'd be really happy with a boy, but we'd love another girl
Congrats!!! Thank you for allowing us to share in the excitement!
Congratulations!! How exciting! I am one of three girls… my poor dad! But he was such a good daddy to all of us! Hope you are feeling well!
Congrats!!! Three girls, wow, what a blessing! And so much fun!!
Hey! Can you throw some X chromosomes my way? I'm out numbered by the Ys!
Congratulations Mamma!
So awesome! You're the best girl mom so it only seems fit to have number three be a girl! Congrats!!
We also have three beautiful girls, the youngest (Ellie!!) was born on 4-22-14. We get a lot of crazy comments from people like saying they feel sorry for my husband and ridiculous stuff like that. I truly believe it's special to have kids that are all the same gender. I feel so blessed, and I always tell people that when they make their "funny" comments. Congratulations, I am so very happy for you all!!
I foresee three best friends for life! Congrats, sisters are the best!
Congrats on the news! I'm one of three girls (the youngest) and my oldest sister has 3 girls as well. Sisters are truly the best gift I was ever given. Your girls will always have life long best friends! They will also always have someone to challenge them and push them to be stronger women! Again, congrats to your family!
Awe congratulations! How much fun, I have always thought it would be fun to have three daughters and one boy, girls just seem like so much more fun, more maintenance but definitely fun. I cannot wait to hear more about this lady and watch your family grow!
Yay!!! How exciting!
Congratulations! I can't wait to read your journey with baby number three!!
How lovely!!!
That is the greatest news ever! Currently two baby girls reside in our house and while more babies are a bit off I would cherish the thought of a third sweet girl! Congratulations Garvin Family! So excited for you!
How exciting! My husband's first thought would be ' another wedding to pay for… Oy!' But I only have brothers so I think how fun to grow up in a house full of sisters!
WOO HOO!!!!! Congratulations!!!! 3 girls will be so fun!! And I'm not gonna lie…I have two girls of my own (2 1/2 and 16 months) and this post kinda sorta makes me want another one
So excited for you and your sweet girls! Having sisters is the best!
Congratulations, Mama! I grew up with just one sister and it was all pink, all glitter, all the time! It was amazing, so I know having 3 girls will be SO fun!!!
Side note: I'm doing a Hotmilk maternity/nursing giveaway on my blog today, so feel free to stop by if you might be interested!
What a blessing! Congratulations! I think teenage years will be fun because you are great parents! I am due in July too but July 24th. This is adorable! Everyone go watch my mother's Christmas surprise. It is adorable! She is a first time Grandma and she had no idea a baby was on the way!! She cried for five minutes straight! Too cute! I can't post it on Ellen Tube because it has music in the background.!
Congratulations! I have been following you since your pregnancy with Harper when I was also pregnant and love your blog! when I saw your news I text my husband at work to let him know, that's how excited I am for you. And I need to catch up! I am still only on number 1
Congratulations!! Another girl will be perfect for your family!
I am so excited for a family I've never met! Haha I've been following since baby harper and am so grateful you share your life with us!! Congrats Garvins!!
Yay!! So exciting!! She is gonna be so cute just like your other 2!
Summer Ann
The trifecta! I love it! Congrats to your entire family.
Oh my gosh – SO EXCITING!!! Congrats!!! THREE GIRLS!!! Lucky you!!
Such great news! I'm pretty sure you told me before you knew if E was a girl that you thought you were destined for all girls
how exciting! congratulations
Congratulations! Another baby girl will be great!
How fun.
So excited for you!!!
Congrats on baby girl #3! How exciting!
Congratulations! I love following your blog. I just had my second daughter in November, and my first daughter was born in February like Harper, so I love seeing what your girls are up to. Also, I am the oldest of three girls, and I absolutely LOVE having two sisters. We are very close, and I am sure your girls will be too!
So so happy for you!!!!
EEEK! So excited for your litter family! 3 little girls sounds like perfection! Congradulations!
BEST NEWS EVER!!!!!! My fave show used to be "just the 10 of us" (showing my age) and I wanted to live in a loft with 9 sisters and share clothes, and do hair, and gossip! Your girls are going to have the BEST time!!!!!!!
Oh, and my sisters and I are the BEST of friends! Your girls will be the same!
Congratulations! My dad has FIVE daughters and bless that man. He would gag at the smell of our nail polish, hair spray and all things frou frou but every Saturday he had us up on the ski slopes tears and all that our hands were cold, our pony tail had lumps in it or we were tired. Now one of our favorite things is to visit the ski resort we grew up on and ski with him, this time no tears. Your daughters are absolutely gorgeous! I have loved following your blog since close to the beginning! You are such a fun mom and I have loved getting ideas from you! Thanks!!!
Now.. of only you could rub off on me with that girl making magic for this baby in my belly. SO EXCITED for you guys! Congrats:)
3 little girls?! How flippin' fun! Congrats Garvin's!!!!
May be time to change the blog name to "The Golden Garvin Girls"! Congrats!
Congrats!! Your girls are spaced out exactly as my 3 girls. With #3 being quite a surprise. But I wouldn't have it any other way:) it's a wild ride having a 3 year old, 15 month old and newborn but they will be so close as they get older! Mine are 5.5 years, 3.5, and 2.5:). It takes a special guy to be a dad of 3 girls and my hubby loves it as I'm sure Brandin does. Teenage years will be another story!
Your girls are beautiful and how awesome that they get to have best friends for life! Congrats to your little family!!
Congratulations! I had a feeling it was a little girl for y'all! It was just going to be too cute with all three of them!
Brandon is blessed to be surrounded by beautiful women….the boys will come chasing the girls soon enough too!
Congrats to your family and good luck with the teething!
Awesome news! Congratulations. I love little girls and I'm happy your little one is healthy! Get some rest when you can
Love seeing updates from your adorable little family!
Congratulations! I was the youngest of three girls. So much fun! They are still my best friends!
How exciting!!! COngrats, I could have sworn I saw a boy onsie pinned by you and I was convinced it was a boy! What a blessing a BABY is! Boy or Girl!!!
Your girls are adorable and so are their names.. Can't wait to hear what your naming baby girl #3.
Congratulations !!
I'm the oldest of three girls and let me tell you- it's a marvelous club to be in!!! I'm 26 and the youngest is 17. It just keeps getting better with time! Huge congratulations!!
YAY!!! Congratulations!!! And what a SWEET husband you have…willing to learn how to braid! So cute!
Aw wow so exciting!
Oh my gosh! Can you imagine how fun it's going to be for them when they grow up?! Are you the youngest in your family? You just need to have 4 girls and then #5 will be a boy! haha! Congratulations again!!!
Where are the weekly chalkboards?! 
Ahh this is so exciting, congratulations! What fun to have three sisters
Congratulations!! How exciting. My first girl [first kid at all] is Due in March. :] :] are you going to do chalkboard belly pics this time?
CONGRATS! I so enjoy reading your blog and am so excited for your growing family!
Yeah!! How exciting is it that you get another little girl! Bring on the tutus and glitter
XO Kelly
Really? Suggestions for boy names? I find girl names easy and boys so hard
That is awesome. Girls are the best. Congrats but I do feel sorry for you…3 weddings!
Your own set of "Sanderson sisters" ?
Yay!!! Congratulations Garvins!!! Ps. I have loved your posts recently… They seem a little more stream of consciousness similar to your early posts back in the day of just Harper.
happy new year!
Congrats!! I am the baby girl with two older siblings and I adore them. I honestly would be so sad if my little girl missed out on the amazingness that is a sister!
How nice.So glad you are having an amazing time with your baby girl.I have one sweet baby.
A little diva princess, blogger, baby product lover, beauty lover, foodie, lover of fashion, a creative!Yummy mummy blog
EEEEKKKKK! Hooray for another little girl!!
I have two girls and now you're making me a bit envious… 3 girls in my opinion, is an amazing family!!!
Squeeee!!! I'm so excited for you guys! I have one little girl myself, and I'm praying/hoping/wishing like crazy that our next will be another girl!! I can't wait to discover her name! Are you guys planning on announcing or keeping us in suspense until she's here??!!
I can't stop crying tears of joy for your family! I was so excited for you to have a boy, but that will have to be the next baby
I can't wait to see Eloise as a big sister and Harper as a big big sister! I cannot wait to hear her name!
I come from an all girl family and my dad always said "I don't even produce testosterone anymore, I'm all estrogen from all these women!" And then we got him a boy dog and a son in law!
I am one of four girls
growing up with all sisters is the best and an unexplainable bond. Having a house full of sisters created the women we all are today. And it definitly gets even better with time. Enjoy 
Ahh so exciting! I'll take one of your girls…you know, if you ever need me to have me take her off your hands!
Congratulations! 3 GIRLS – HOW EXCITING!
THREE GIRLS!!!!!!! So. Much. Fun. Congratulations!
Yay! Congratulations. Babies are amazing, I am still adjusting to the idea of a girl in our home
We have 3 princesses also, and I have to tell you it is the best! The bond of sisters…there's nothing like it. And I absolutely love watching my girls become best friends. They are 7,5 and 2.5 now. Enjoy it….such a blessing!!!
You, lady, were MADE to be a girl mama! CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to hear the gorgeous name you're sure to choose. Will you guys keep trying for a boy? -NG
Congratulations and good luck
Thank you for the wonderful blog.
How fun!!! 3 girls! They'll grow up to be such good friends
How wonderful – congratulations!!
Congratulations!!! So much pink in your husband's life!!
Congratulations! So excited for you & family.
I've read your blog since preggo harper days and never ever comment, but I have three little ladies, 3.5, 2 and 8 months – all super close and I just have to wish you CONGRATULATIONS. I feel like there's a special club for momma's with all girls (or all boys! haha) and it's fun to watch your family grow from afar. Wishing you a smooth easy pregnancy
Congrats! Girls are awesome! I hope you'll do some baby bump photos again although I am sure you are insanely busy!
Congrats! I'm super jealous! 3 little ladies would be so much fun!
How many babes do you want? I want 6!!!
A house full of little princesses, how wonderful! Congratulations!
So, SO excited for your little family!! You guys are are the cutest!!
Congratulations to your family, what exciting news!! I heard that if your first two kids are the same gender then the chance of your third being that same gender is 75% or something like that…crazy! I'm pregnant with my second due in June, excited to follow along with your journey!
So excited for you!!! My first 4 babies were boys. I thought I would never have a girl, but then my fifth and sixth were girls. Seventh was a boy and eighth and final baby was a girl!!! (Girls are my favorite….they don't distroy their toys or pee all over the bathroom floor…..????)!
aww that is just awesome! I was really thinking it was going to be a boy but how sweet all precious little ladies ruling the house! My mom came from having three sisters and I always wanted that as a mom. One of my really good friends is a mom of three girls and they all three are very different, but the bonds your girls are going to have is going to be priceless. Congrats!!
Congratulations!!! I'm one of 7 girls (and 1 boy…ha!) and I wouldn't change a thing.
Next time just eat vegan for a few month before you try to conceive and then stay vegan until 15weeks. Vegans have a lot more boys.
Next time just eat vegan before you try conceiving and stay vegan for a few months after you conceive. Vegans have a lot of boys!