Another weekend, come & gone. I watched Harper splash around in the bathtub on Saturday night, still wearing her swimsuit after a long afternoon at the pool, tired eyes & sunscreen in her hair, and felt like in that moment, it was summer. That very moment was one of those that brought me right back to my childhood, long days of playing so hard & being tucked into bed before the sun was even setting. There’s nothing like an exhausted toddler after a day of fun in the sun. If only the same could be said for babies.
We spent the rest of the weekend working on some projects, including finishing some letters to put in Eloise’s room (although I’m not so sure if I love them or what I am going to do with them, but they sure made for a cute photo prop in the interim), planting some flowers in the yard & making a new chalkboard for the kitchen. My beloved chalkboard is officially falling apart, so we are building a new one from scratch. I will be sure to share pictures & detailed instructions once it is finished! I am hoping the new chalkboard will be just what I need to work on a little playroom/nursery print collection that I have been thinking about for months. But probably not. Who am I kidding, I have hardly been able to write out a grocery list or blog post, let alone a new chalkboard print. But I have high hopes!
And most importantly, we celebrated our very favorite guy this weekend with a biscuits & gravy breakfast & a burger bar with some of his friends over for dinner. He deserves the world after how hard he has been working for our family since Eloise was born. He wakes up extra early every day so he can be ready for work in time to get Harper out of bed, eat breakfast with her & bring me coffee in bed while I feed Eloise. And he still manages to make it home each night just in time to take the girls off my hands for a few minutes before I lose my sanity. He has mastered french toast, pig tails & painted nails, but also takes so much pride in teaching Harper how to play ball & tinkering around together in the garage.
We couldn’t be more blessed to have him in our lives, he is the best dad & most amazing husband, we are so thankful for him!!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
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