Our little Eloise is officially one month old. It really seems like just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital, although I imagine that is somewhat a result of the last thirty some days all running together since a good night’s sleep no longer distinguishes them from one another. 
I love her newly acquired baby rolls, chubby thighs & wrists really are the cutest thing ever. Her hair is still thick & dark as ever, it seems like it is growing a bit although I fear it will all fall out like Harper’s did. Her eyes light up when she hears our voices & when we take her outside. She loves baths, tummy time & loud music/white noise. She is also mesmerized by her big sister, Harper dances circles around Eloise & it is pure entertainment for all of us.
She is the snuggliest (is that a word?) baby there ever was. She wants to be held all the time, nuzzles her little face right into your neck & drapes her arms over your shoulder. If she falls asleep, she will wake up as soon as the thought of setting her down even crosses my mind. We are working on getting her to stay awake more often during the day, with four actual naps in her crib or rockaRoo rather than catnapping all over the place all day. She gets a bath around 8pm, her last feeding around 8:30 & then goes to bed around 9. We started putting her in her own room just a few nights ago & the last few days have been the best in terms of sleeping. She is waking up around 12:30 (awake for about 45 min), then again around 4, but then she fights going back to sleep & I usually end up feeding her a little bit again around 5:30. Then she goes back to sleep until about 7:15.
Despite the fact that Eloise & Harper look similar as babies, especially in their facial expressions, they couldn’t be more opposite in every other way. We had so many breastfeeding struggles with Harper, but it has been quite easy with Eloise (we have only had to supplement with a little bit of formula). Harper projectile vomited after every feeding, Eloise has spit up less than a handful of times. Harper loved a paci & being swaddled, Eloise isn’t a fan of either. I love that they have similarities but it will be fun to see Eloise grow into her own little person as they become best friends over the years.
And in case you just came for the pictures…
Eloise Ruby, we love you so much & you are the sweetest, most perfect addition to our family. This month has just flown by, as I’m sure the time will continue to do. We want you to stay little forever but also can’t wait to watch you grow & see the little person that you become.
Happy One Month, Ellie girl!
So cute !!!