How far along: 36 weeks (always a little bit behind, will be 37 weeks this Wednesday)
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 29 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Living in maxi dresses (which today I may have to wear with rainboots) & pajamas/comfy clothes as much as possible.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Still sleeping relatively well, although more tossing & turning to get comfortable or lying awake debating whether I have to pee bad enough to actually get out of bed.
Best moment this week: Having good weather this week really made me feel like I was back in the game. I was really feeling guilty about not being able to keep up with her around the house, she has so much energy & there’s only so much I can do with her being this pregnant. But a few much needed trips to the park, a picnic & lots of bubble blowing on the back porch was just what we needed. Harper has also been telling everyone “I love baby sissy!” which also makes my day every single time.
Miss anything: Energy! I am hitting a brick wall this week, even took a nap during Harper’s nap time over the weekend which I really hate doing. I end up feeling groggy the rest of the day & guilty that I didn’t get anything done. But I can hardly keep my eyes open most afternoons.
Movement: Lots of big pokes that make my whole belly move, always looks so funny especially when I have a zip up sweatshirt on, it’s like the zipper is going to pop open. I swear sometimes other people can see it happening! 
Cravings: Fruit & cereal. And steak n’ shake. Must have at least one more greasy burger before I start feeling guilty again.
Queasy or sick: Not queasy but not necessarily great, so much heartburn these last few days & all around uncomfortable.
Looking forward to: Baby day!
It was a busy weekend over here, Harper had the best time running around with my brother’s big black lab (a toddler & a dog, match made in Heaven), and we finally had a chance to go through our storage closets to get out the infant carseat & playard. TWO carseats in my car. So weird. Brandon put together the double stroller & I finally got started packing my hospital bag. We are both starting to have anxiety about not being with Harper for a few days while we are in the hospital, even though she will get to come see us & hopefully Brandon will get to leave for a few hours each day to see her. Things will be crazy, and right now we are a little bit terrified, but we are so looking forward to it all!
Happy Monday to you all! 
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