I can’t believe it is the last day of March, meaning we are officially in the home stretch as of tomorrow! Harper must totally sense some of the changes, she has been bonkers lately & I can hardly keep up. Of course she totally makes up for it all with her sweetness, but I can’t help but wonder how crazy things are going to be when baby number two arrives.
While I was in the shower over the weekend, Brandon got the bright idea to teach her how to do somersaults, so that has been quite the adventure for us all morning. It’s only a matter of time until she somersaults off the bed or onto the cat or I don’t even know where else but it’s not going to be good. The best part is her yelling at me to do one because Brandon was showing off with his mad skills so instead I tell her I will sit down on the floor by her while she does them. To which she responds (after it takes me sixteen seconds to actually sit on the ground), “mama, get up.”
I have been craving all things pineapple, our newest smoothie concoction is a handful of frozen strawberries, a banana & a (large) splash of pineapple juice. Harper sucked hers down in no time with not even a trace of brain freeze, then promptly stuck her straw in my cup & finished mine.
I also had my first (and second) major pregnancy hormonal meltdowns this weekend. I vividly remember losing my shit when I was pregnant with Harper over the smell of taco meat combined with a horsefly buzzing around our living room. This time, one involved me trying to put up a four foot by four foot wall decal in the nursery. I really don’t know if it was user error or possibly the slight texture on the walls, but I couldn’t seem to get it right. It ended with me in tears, wanting to karate kick a hole in the wall & call it a day. The second meltdown happened after I went through about a dozen eggs trying to make them over easy (why it was so hard that morning, I will never know), again ended in tears with our whole kitchen smelling like burnt eggs & me swearing I was going on strike from making eggs for breakfast for one hundred years.
Pregnant-crazy is real & my husband is a saint.
But it is Spring! And we love all Spring things! Including this garland above, that I originally bought (from this etsy shop) for Harper’s nursery over two years ago & the cute new Oh Joy party line for Target (you’ve all seen this already, right?!) that is totally perfect for Spring picnics, brunch or even Easter.
It has finally stopped raining here, so for now we will be outside soaking up a little bit of sunshine. Bubbles, sidewalk chalk & a frozen pineapple + coconut milk smoothie are on our late afternoon agenda. Happy Monday, friends! 
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