Thank you all so much for the sweet comments on Harper’s 2nd Birthday! All of your kind words are very much appreciated! 
I wanted to share a few more details from her birthday, including her little sticker station we set up for her. She is just a little young for pin the tail on the donkey (or flippy cup for that matter), but we wanted to have a little something fun for her to do at her party. Even though she spent most of the day running in circles with her friends playing with balloons, she was so excited to sit down & go sticker crazy with all of her new goodies! I packed up a bunch of sticker books in a gift bag & put out some of her ones from Valentine’s day in a little bowl, needless to say everyone was decorated with My Little Pony & Nemo stickers by the end of the evening.
Also, I wanted to share the easiest DIY of all time for dressing up party food. I love supporting other mom’s Etsy shops & small businesses, so for the most part, I get most party supplies from Etsy. But due to the bad weather in Atlanta that caused mail to be on hold for a few days, and the fact that I had these party supplies already on hand, I decided to make these little party picks & love the way they turned out. They take no time at all & you can do them in any color for any occasion.
Using a roll of crepe paper, you would need to just cut 2-3 inch strips for each pick. Add a strip of double sided tape across the bottom & use craft scissors to fringe the rest of the paper up until where the tape starts. Then, you just stick one end of the paper onto the stick, roll them all the way up & then use your fingers to fluff them. So easy, right? We had subs catered in like we did last year, so I made similar picks using toothpicks to put in the sandwiches. And the whole project cost maybe $3.
We had a little after-party-brunch the next morning with our family that stayed over, Harper went nuts for all of the deflated balloons!
It was such a fun weekend & this brand new two year old is definitely a happy camper!
Now that Harper’s birthday is over, we can get back to finishing her big girl room!! She got a few more of the books that I wanted to complete her bookshelves as birthday presents, so this little corner of her room is complete! The Cat at Night
is officially her favorite book ever, so many animals & the most beautiful illustrations ever! Highly recommended!!
Can’t wait to share pictures of the final product, we hope to have it finished over the next week or so! Who’s ready for some St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans?! 
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