I can’t believe my baby girl turns TWO this week! Yesterday was an emotional day for me, we switched her to her big girl bed & moved all of the baby furniture over to the nursery. I didn’t expect it to be so hard, but I sobbed like a baby during it all & it only got worse when we put her in her new bed for the night. She has been acting so grown up lately, putting together sentences & acting like such a little girl playing with her dolls & wanting to help me with everything I am doing. Two years flew by & I feel like it is all hitting me at once. Can she please just stay this little forever?
These pregnancy hormones are certainly not doing me any favors.
These pregnancy hormones are certainly not doing me any favors.
You can read more about her big girl room here. I will share more details & pictures soon!
Onto less teary-eyed subjects, we are so excited to celebrate her birthday on Saturday! We are having a small party with friends & family, lots of yummy treats & balloons galore. All of Harper’s favorite things. I can’t wait to share more!!
For her birthday gifts, we are keeping it really simple but got her a few cute things that I know she will love. A numbers puzzle (since she loves her alphabet one so much!), new jammies, a fun bracelet (“beshets” are her favorite), some Mickey coloring books & the puppy book she always wants to read when we go to the bookstore! We also bought her a step stool from Ikea so she can do more in the kitchen with me like she always wants to. Plus it will be the perfect height for her to wash her hands in the bathroom sink when we tackle potty training. Of course, we are giving it a little makeover first!
For her birthday gifts, we are keeping it really simple but got her a few cute things that I know she will love. A numbers puzzle (since she loves her alphabet one so much!), new jammies, a fun bracelet (“beshets” are her favorite), some Mickey coloring books & the puppy book she always wants to read when we go to the bookstore! We also bought her a step stool from Ikea so she can do more in the kitchen with me like she always wants to. Plus it will be the perfect height for her to wash her hands in the bathroom sink when we tackle potty training. Of course, we are giving it a little makeover first!
We also have a ton of construction going on near one of the main roads by our house, so Harper has become totally obsessed with “diggers.” I found the cutest set of toy construction equipment (a tractor, excavator, etc.) last week on Zulily that I know she is going to go bonkers for! Every little girl needs a few toy trucks, right?
It’s been a long day over here, we are ready to kick back & watch it snow. Monday is almost over!
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