How far along: 28 Weeks, rolling into the third trimester!
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 20 lbs.
Maternity clothes: I’ve officially stretched out every sweatshirt that I own so I better slow my roll & stick to maternity clothes from here on out.
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: Out
Sleep: Sleeping is good despite another cold.
Best moment this week: Passing my glucose test. Chocolate croissants for life!!
Miss anything: We had some beautiful weather this week that really made me miss a good patio beer. Or two.
Movement: This week’s theme seems to be kicks to the ribs.
Cravings: Finally caved & bought a box of Pop Tarts I have been dreaming about for weeks. Contemplating trying a homemade recipe very soon! 
Queasy or sick: This was a rough week, tons of heartburn, sick with a cold for the last few days & exhaustion is at an all time high.
Looking forward to: A whole week full of good excuses to have tons of chocolate & celebrating my sweet girl’s second birthday!! Time sure flies when you’re having fun.
The rest of our afternoon will be spent switching around everything in the girls rooms! I finally found knobs for Harper’s dresser (pink floral & green glass) & I am loving the mismatched look. Wish us luck as we tackle the first night in the big kid bed tonight!
Hope you all are having a great weekend!! XO
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