Ringing in the New Year was low key for us this year & we loved every second of it. We went to an early New Year’s Eve party, dressed up & ate cupcakes, but were home & back in our pajamas by nine. I was happy to even make it to midnight, sitting on the couch watching old videos of Harper as a baby, eating my weight in popcorn & toasting with sparkling cider. We felt old (and lame) but I was totally okay with that.
I was excited to get out my new 2014 planner yesterday morning & write down a few rules to live by this year.
1. Slow down. With another baby on the way, this is the most important thing that we can do, and probably the only way we will survive. More patience, more unplugging & many more lazy weekends. This will be the hardest one for me, so, baby steps! 
2. Simplify. I want to apply this to every area of my life, from work to daily schedules to grocery shopping lists.
3. Organize. Ah, the word that always manages to make it’s way onto my list. This year, I am going to focus on the small areas of clutter that drive me crazy on a daily basis. My diaper bag, closet & email inboxes are at the top of my list.
4. Do more of the things we love. Oh yes, the fun stuff, like going out for pancakes in our pajamas on Saturday mornings. We want to get Harper started in swim lessons & a little tumbling class this Spring, which I know she is just going to go bonkers for. Brandon & I also have our own hobbies that we don’t make a lot of time for, and while spending time together as a family is what we love most, I think this year it will be important to carve out a little time for ourselves. You know, for sanity’s sake.
Happy New Year friends! Wishing you lots of love, health & happiness for 2014. And of course, another year of having entirely too much fun!!!
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