I can’t believe we are almost halfway there!! Although I feel like I have been pregnant forEVER. This pregnancy is just not quite as easy as the first, much more exhausting, feeling like I am constantly huffing & puffing just to get around. Crawling around on my hands & knees picking up blueberries off the floor after lunch sucks. And after a long day in toddler town, I really wish I could have a beer. Is it April yet?
How far along: 19 weeks
Gender: Girl!
Weight gain: 6 lbs.+ (Doctor’s appointment is later this week so we will find out how much damage was done at Thanksgiving)
Maternity clothes: Still mostly wearing regular clothes & maternity leggings. I am loving the stretchy material of these GapFit breathable long sleeve tees, they are perfect for a still somewhat small bump & I LOVE the thumb openings in the sleeves for cold weather!! 
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In, but I think it’s going to be an outie in no time.
Sleep: Good minus my all night stuffy nose.
Best moment this week: Baby girl has a NAME!! We are going to wait to announce it until she is born, but we are so excited about it! I am also excited to order her a Christmas stocking when they go on clearance after the holidays! 
Worst moment this week: Having the worst cold all week! I have been exhausted & all around miserable.
Miss anything: Not looking (or at least feeling) like I am wearing a Santa suit day in & day out.
Movement: Lots of it! Feeling baby girl move a few times a day.
Cravings: Pomegranate, oranges & sweets of any kind.
Queasy or sick: Sick of my cold, not really a fan of meat for the most part (except the occasional steak n shake burger!) and starting to have heartburn at night.
Looking forward to: Ultrasound this week!
Also, amidst all of the Thanksgiving chaos, I forgot to post last week’s picture, so here it is! 18 Weeks, Gobble Gobble!!
Sorry for the worlds worst lighting in this room too, these pictures are always so blurry & the quality sucks compared to every other room in the house. But I really wanted to do the pictures in the baby’s soon to be nursery, just for sentimental reasons. 
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