How far along: 16 weeks
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 6 lbs. (the exact same as my last pregnancy at 16 weeks)
Maternity clothes: Still not yet, pulling out the hair tie trick on my regular jeans but mostly living in my maternity leggings & pajama pants around the house. Pregnancy gives a whole new meaning to letting yourself go 
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In, but starting to look flat as a pancake
Sleep: Sleeping great.
Best moment this week: Another appointment confirming that everything is looking good & baby is doing well, heartbeat is at 157.
Worst moment this week: Just feeling a little overwhelmed these days. So much going on with work, trying to keep up in toddler town & my holiday to-do list is growing rapidly. I’m not sure any of that has anything to do with pregnancy, but it certainly feels like I have less energy & patience to handle everything. Is it bedtime yet?
Miss anything: Sleeping through the night without waking up to pee!
Movement: More & more each day, finally felt the first kicks this week! Can’t wait for Brandon & Harper to be able to feel movement!
Cravings: Popsicles & queso. Not necessarily together but I’m also not opposed.
Queasy or sick: Starting to not like meat all that much, mostly red meat, same as last time.
Looking forward to: The weekend… does that count? Ready to take it easy, get a little Christmas shopping done & enjoy the last weekend before Thanksgiving madness begins!!
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