Happy Halloween!!!
How far along: 14 weeks
Gender: Will know very soon!! What’s your guess?!
Weight gain: 1.5 lbs as of last week, at least 5 now after eating Halloween treats all week.
Maternity clothes: Maternity leggings as always, but otherwise none quite yet. Sporting my very favorite festive witch hat baseball tee in this pic!
Stretch marks: None yet, but already slathering on my Mustela
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Good!
Best moment this week: Halloween, of course! Seeing Harper so happy & excited for all the fun things we got to do this week makes me so extra excited to have another baby in the family. I can’t wait for Harp to have a little sibling to share all this fun with! 
Worst moment this week: The dreaded tailbone & sciatic nerve pain has started kicking in, which means I now walk like I’m 90.
Miss anything: Would have loved to partake in the Halloween drinking festivities.
Movement: Still just a few flutters & rolls here and there.
Cravings: Food. Just can’t stop eating, everything sounds good at this point & I am constantly getting stomach aches from eating too many random things at once. Breakfast burrito, Starburst, a peach & a bowl of cereal? Don’t mind if I do.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound & more movement! Can’t wait for Brandon to feel kicks too!
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