Oh yes, it’s all one room. I have loved this room so much since the day we moved in, even more once I got to add a chalkboard wall. For the last few weeks, this room has also been housing a bunch of boxes, so I thought I’d wait to take pictures of it. Boxes of what, you may ask?
Boxes that belong to my oldest brother & his wife… who are moving here TOMORROW. Yes! That means two of my four brothers will officially be Georgia residents & we couldn’t be happier!!! We have lived away from family for almost five years so this is a huge blessing, especially for Harper.
Anyway, back to the playroom.
This is my little corner for working. And blogging. And doodling.
Of course this room isn’t normally so clean, but it really just takes a minute to pick up since everything just gets thrown in baskets. For the most part, Harper likes to sit at her little desk that Brandon refinished (you can see the before picture here) & color. The little cubby in the bottom holds her coloring books, notebooks, crayons & stickers. Stickers. Why did I let her have stickers? She stuck them to the cat this morning.
We are still undecided about the little mini storage closets. We originally wanted to make them play areas for Harper but they are jam packed with stuff (baby bouncers, swing, boxes, etc.) so it doesn’t seem like much of an option anymore. I actually find them to be really creepy so ideally if we don’t use them, we will try to hide them.
This wall, which is where my desk used to be, is now going to have a pull out couch & will have a few fun canvases on the wall above it. You can see one there, which used to be in the bathroom & there are a few new ones on the way. I also got this giant metal G & think it should live up there as well. On top of that, I am still on the hunt for a cute desk chair, a large rug & maybe some fun curtains.
I got these two baskets on sale at Target a while back, they hold all of Harper’s toys. The little bookshelves are form Ikea & once we know baby #2’s name, I am hoping to hang little monograms above each set of books.
Sorry for the poor lighting, this room sucks to take pictures of.
Hope you’ve enjoyed a peek into another room in the house! 
As of right now, our heat is broken (so it’s approximately 60 degrees inside), Harper has her first ear infection, I caught her cold & well, the cat may or may not still have a few Halloween stickers in her fur.
On the plus side, Hocus Pocus is on TV & we have a killer couch-bed-fort to watch it from.
Hi! Any tips on how to create the chalkboard wall? We're about to do one in a playroom and it looks like yours turned out great!
For some reason I Love these!
Thanks for having me!