Thank you all so much for the great feedback on all of our mini meals that I shared a few weeks ago. Like you, I am always looking for new things for Harper to eat, so I am happy to keep sharing!
We’ve been waiting for the picky eater days to kick in but really, this kid just loves food, although sometimes she isn’t interested in eating because she’d rather be playing.
I’m sure none of you are meal planning on this lovely Saturday evening, but in case you are (or for your reference later) here is last week’s meal lineup:
Scrambled eggs & fruit. My husband is the cheesy eggs king, so we only eat these on the weekends.
French toast. French toast might be in my top five favorite foods. And the trick to making good french toast sticks? Cut the bread before you soak them in eggs & cook in butter, it will make the whole thing crunchy!
Sweet potatoes. Random meal of the year, but Harper is obsessed with sweet potatoes.
Grilled cheese. Another favorite at our house, always an easy go-to meal.
Lasagna. I’ve mentioned before that Harper loves pasta, we usually eat it once or twice a week. She has been eating it since she was 10-11 months, just cut up much smaller.
Bagel or Toast & fruit. Can you tell we eat this ALL the time?
Turkey & avocado sandwich, peaches & sunflower seeds.We’ve been snacking on roasted sunflower seeds a lot lately because they are not only tasty, but have tons of health benefits. Turns out, Harp likes them too!
You can find more meal ideas & other feeding favorites in this post.
For healthy snacks, I give Harper little bowls of dry cereal like multigrain Cheerios or Chex, Graham crackers, cucumbers, applesauce, ritz crackers with peanut butter or bananas. And every time we say snack? She plops down right in the middle of the kitchen floor. It’s the only place she likes to “nack” apparently! Yet it never fails, she leaves a toddler trail of Cheerios wherever she goes. I found some in her diaper the other day & even one in between her toes. Crafty little critter she is.
You’ve probably seen me mention a few times on Instagram that our weather has been AMAZING lately, feeling more like October than August. I think even mother nature is ready for the holidays. You know the saying. Don’t hate the player, hate the game!
Happy weekend!!
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