We had the most fun weekend with some of our favorite people in the whole world, my best friend since third grade & her family came to visit us from Iowa! You may remember her son, Harper’s future husband, who has made a few appearances on the blog. Isn’t he the cutest little dude!? We spent the weekend at the pool, eating lots of good food, playing in the yard (water balloons included) & of course, realizing how much harder it is to have two kids instead of one!
And you all know that I can’t have guests without putting together some sort of fun breakfast. We went with a waffle bar with lots of yummy toppings.
Award for the most unique waffle topping goes to my husband, who loaded it up with crunchy peanut butter, banana slices & syrup.
This is the one picture that I got of us together, where we actually had margaritas in our hands instead of babies or diaper bags!
For those of you getting used to seeing all of Harper’s smiles, have no fear. The mean mug has returned!
We also took a trip to the Georgia Aquarium. The kiddos loved seeing the fish but their attention spans were totally not made for that crazy crowd. Watching Finding Nemo on the couch at home would probably have been much less of a headache.
And we ended our weekend with a much needed Target trip & an ice cream date. Harper was mesmerized by some balloons in the parking lot but I was dying over her always wanting to wear her sunglasses on her head now!
Hope you all had an awesome weekend as well & got to enjoy some beautiful weather!
PS. Thank you all so so much for the sweet comments on Harper’s 15 Month photos! Reading your messages made my day… and our photographer’s too!! XOXO
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