Isn’t it funny how you get that same sense of happiness when your Christmas tree goes up as you do when it comes down? I always think I’m going to be so sad, but really I get excited when I see that my house looks ten times bigger without giant evergreen trees lurking everywhere.
I am ready for some Spring cleaning & organizing (which is really just code for shopping). But before we say goodbye to Christmas, here are a few more pictures from the last few weeks. I will miss reading all of our Christmas books… I will be on the hunt soon for lots of new books to fill our playroom book shelves.
I’m not kidding you, this kid effing loved the cold weather! Every time we went outside she got so excited! I couldn’t help but think of a Christmas Story when she was in her snug little snowsuit.
This picture CRACKS. ME. UP.
My brother got her some of her very own overalls to wear out in snow… this was major cuteness overload.
The road trip was agonizing, we were stuck in a snow/ice storm and multiple traffic jams, that landed us in the car for nearly 18 hours on the way back. We were so happy to be home! Santa stopped by while we were out of town, so Harper got to open a few more gifts when we got back. I think she was still concerned about whether or not we were going to stick her back in her carseat after she opened them.
Some final thoughts on Harper’s first Christmas…
1. Christmas is infinitely more fun with children.
3. The Walkness Monster was the biggest joke, piece of shit toy ever invented. Oddly enough, she loves all of the toy balls that it comes with it, but I still consider it a waste of $30.
4. I totally failed at finishing our Christmas cards OR getting Harper a first Christmas ornament on time. I guess there is always next year.
4. I totally failed at finishing our Christmas cards OR getting Harper a first Christmas ornament on time. I guess there is always next year.
5. Speaking of next year, we aren’t traveling any further than our local grocery store for Christmas.
6. Did I just say next year? Yes. Because I’m already excited for it.
While I am sad to see the holidays go, I am BEYOND excited for Valentine’s Day (which has always been one of my favorite holidays!) & Little Miss Harper’s first birthday party!! I am in full blown party planning mode! Hope you all are enjoying the first week of 2013!
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