I know it’s not even Valentine’s Day yet, BUT I can’t stop drooling over all of the adorable Easter attire at the Gap right now!
The new Peter Rabbit collection is beyond words. I scooped up the adorable Bunny Ear Hat over a month ago, and have since gone back for more pieces in this collection. Not to mention, Gap is having a 30% off sale online this weekend!!
So, if you’re like me, and already planning your little bunny’s Easter outfit, get a load of this!
I just had to share since all of the cute stuff like this seems to sell out so quickly! Might need to scoop up a few pieces for next year as well! 
Easter is early this year, but still hard to believe that it is already approaching so soon. It seems like just yesterday that Harper was half the size of her first Easter basket. Look at that tiny little bebeeeee & tiny little tootsies!!
Holy baby fever! 
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