We are finally home from our week long trip to Iowa. We had such a fun time with all of our friends & family… it can be so hard living far away. We will have our little family Christmas celebration tomorrow with the gifts that Santa brought while we were away …I’m just not ready for the holidays to be over yet!
We kicked off Christmas morning with some waffles & then dove right in to gifts! Harper was a huge fan of the bows & ribbons… the sound of ripping paper though? Not so much. It terrified her every time someone would tear open a present. Who is this kid?
Christmas morning is so magical with babies! There is nothing more fun than watching them crawl around, plowing through piles of wrapping paper with bows stuck on their heads.
I was obviously the happiest momma in the world watching her eyes light up at all of her new toys… and then watching them all go immediately into her mouth. She loved her B. Keys that Santa brought her!
I was obviously the happiest momma in the world watching her eyes light up at all of her new toys… and then watching them all go immediately into her mouth. She loved her B. Keys that Santa brought her!
We rocked our matching footie pajamas, which turned out to be a pretty good investment since we froze our asses off in the snowy, midwest weather! I was excited to have a white Christmas, but was quickly missing the Georgia weather.
I think it is safe to say that her favorite toy so far was the Zany Zoo activity cube!
It is sturdy enough that she can stand up at it, walk around it & still has lots of parts & pieces to entertain her. She was having a blast with all of the fun, Christmas commotion swirling around her!
She also had the best bed head ever for Christmas morning.
After gifts, we had another Christmas with the rest of Brandon’s family. I finally got to dress Harper in the cute tights that I bought for her a million years ago… it was everything I hoped it would be & more!
“Fa la la la la!!!”
Grey Sweater Dress, Tights similar here
& here, White Vest, Striped Scarf similar here
& here
Jameson Monroe Headband
Jameson Monroe Headband
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! Can’t wait to share more pictures from our trip, Harper’s first time playing in the snow & all the other festive shenanigans that have taken place over the last week!
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