After a looooooong 15 hour car ride, we arrived in Iowa to visit family. My best tip for long roadtrips with 10 month old babies? Don’t do it. It’s a shitshow. There’s not enough Christmas music or holiday cheer to make this trip enjoyable.
I think by now, you all know that Harper Eve was named after my love of Eve’s of holidays. So this Christmas Eve was even more special than ever.
So special that daddy decided to give her ice cream for the first time! It has been his life long dream to be the first person to feed ice cream to someone (I know, he is a strange cat) so this was a big moment for us all! What better place than at great grandma’s house on Christmas Eve?
Despite the puzzled look, she loved it & reached for the spoon for more! A sweet tooth, just like mom! 
Our favorite Christmas Eve tradition takes place at the home of the most beautiful Christmas tree.
Where Harper got lots of kisses from her future husband, little Mr. Talan.
My best friend from high school & her beautiful family have us over for cookies & cocktails every Christmas Eve. It is even more fun now with our little babes! I was in Heaven with all of the festive fun happening… wish I could have just bottled it all up & kept it forever!
Then Harper realized that Santa was coming in the morning & lost her marbles.
Hope you all had a wonderful & festive Christmas Eve!! Be back soon with Christmas day pictures & more!
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