Here in the Garvin house, we are pretty excited that the Holidays have arrived! Halloween decor has come down & we are ready to slowly start incorporating some Christmas stuff throughout the house. Super exciting that Thanksgiving is a week earlier than it was last year because that means it will be acceptable to put up the Christmas tree sooner! The down side? Thanksgiving can’t possibly rock as much this year now that I’m not pregnant. I WISH I loved food as much as I did last year…. I could have bathed in cheesy potatoes & pumpkin pie.
On that note
Some of our Fall Favorites that we are rocking lately! Including my Tiger Lily boots (of course I wanted them anyway… and the Halloween costume was just more ammo to scoop them up!), world’s BEST baby pants & more splashes of my FAVORITE color… neon violet!
Also, in the Garvin house, we have a new chalkboard up on our walls! Perfect for a Thanksgiving theme with some Christmas swag! 
Yes, I do this freehand, no stencils. No, I don’t use chalk pens/markers, just regular Crayola chalk.
Some exciting chalkboard news to come in tomorrow’s post… so stay tuned!
Harpie Doodle is growing SO. FAST. I can hardly believe my eyes. She is already almost nine months old, pulling herself up on everything, and eating blueberries like they are going out of style. Also? She gets cuter every single day. Here is one of my favorite recent pics of her, rocking her adorable Jameson Monroe headband & these green cords and tights from Gap!
Yes, I was singing & shaking a roll of blue painters tape to get her to sit still and look at the camera. Don’t be fooled, five seconds later she tried to nose dive off of this chair. I am so very thankful for this sweet girl!
We spent the weekend painting, lots of light grey going up on the walls! Harper’s nursery is finally finished, pics to come soon. For now, I will leave you with this gem.
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