Time continues to fly on by as we round out Harper’s 7th & now almost 8th month. She is going to be one in the blink of an eye! I know people say this all the time, but it just gets better & more fun as they grow. She is so entertaining & silly… and totally surprises us every day with the new things she learns or does. We are just loving every minute of it! Seven month favorites are by far the best… so much fun stuff here!
Boon Bath Toys
– We got into such a bath routine as part of a necessity that we almost forgot that it can be fun too! We picked up these bath toys (obviously because they are so stinking cute!) and it took bath time to a whole new level. She is sitting up in the tub now and has a blast playing with these & chewing on them. Plus, you better believe she has one in each hand when we take her out of the tub each night… which we discovered is the only way to keep her from screaming after her bath because she loves it so much! I can’t wait to get her in swim class.. I think she’ll love water just as much as her mama!
Old Navy Body Suits – Love the colors, the material & the way these fit SO much more than many other onesies out there.
UGG Infant Bixbee Bootie – Believe it or not, she still wears the smallest size of these, the same pair that she has worn since she was born. We LOVE these shoes. They’re the only pair she can’t pull off! Now that the weather is getting cooler, she has been wearing them every day and I just love them so much, can’t wait to pick up another color of them this weekend.
Avent Sippy Cup
– Another one of those things we couldn’t grasp that she may be old enough for. Harper had her first cold two weeks ago, so we busted out the sippy to give her some water/juice and she is just loving this cup. It’s so fun to watch her learn how to drink out of it… and best part… it is spill proof AND the sippy parts fit on standard Avent bottles.
Itzy Ritzy Cart & High Chair Cover
– I already raved about this in another post, but it is honestly the best & most fun thing to have. No more stroller for this little chica when we are in Target… she is eye level & so totally entertained by all she can see! Also, IT’S SO FLUFFY! 
Boon Squirt Spoon
– These are so damn awesome it’s not even funny. Especially when you have a hungry little bunny like I do who gets impatient waiting for food to be scooped onto a spoon. Only two parts to wash & takes up less room on the drying rack. We have one in the kitchen & one in the diaper bag for easy feeding on the go.
B. One Two Squeeze Blocks
– Not only are these the prettiest blocks ever made, but they are perfect for little hands & little baby teeth.
And, if you’re like me, you’ll enjoy matching them to your baby’s outfit.
Also, for a while we were feeling like Harper was totally over her Luv U Zoo Jumperoo
. We were just about ready to pack it away, but all of a sudden she started loving it again! Maybe since she started crawling she just feels the need for speed to be more active, but she is all about this thing again! And not just for jumping, she randomly loves to sit under it!! We crack up because any time it is in the room, she will crawl right over to it and sit underneath.

I also wanted to thank you all for the sweet comments on our anniversary! We loved reading every single one of them!
Time to go put some finishing touches on the outdoor Halloween decor & then take pics for a house tour per your request!

Gap Dress, Old Soles Ballet Flats
Don’t forget, product recommendations for the upcoming months are always welcome! 
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