We have a serious jammie obsession in our house.
I sometimes don’t change her out of her pajamas…. or sometimes I change her into a new pair for her to wear all day. I think it might only get worse as the weather gets cooler.
I actually have a pair of baby blue jeans that are 0-3 month size. Tags still on of course. What was I thinking? I don’t even like wearing jeans. I wish it was acceptable for adults to run around in cute footed PJs.
I am in love with these little fox PJs, of course she has to tote around her little stuffed foxes when she wears them too. We found these little foxes at Ikea, so stinking cute! They got to come home with us instead of the smiling stuffed broccoli.
I swear I black out online shopping sometimes, one minute I am working on etsy orders or paying bills, and the next minute I’m knee deep in a baby gap shopping cart buying Christmas pajamas. Don’t even know how I got there! Does this happen to anyone else? 
Such an insightful post here today. Happy Friday, friends!<– Whoa, I actually typed that, however, it is THURSDAY! This cold bug has definitely got the best of me.
Super cute pjs! I love the baby dress collection! You have to check out The Sleeping Baby Flying Squirrel PJ. The Flying Squirrel PJ fit is designed to be baggy…kind of like MC Hammer Pants! The coziness and roominess of the Flying Squirrel PJ makes it a perfect alternative to loose blankets that can easily be kicked off in the crib or toddler bed! No more lost socks!
Gorgeous designer Holiday Dresses for your little one to wear this Christmas Season. From Pink and Gold, to your traditional Red, we have everything you need for your little one to feel like a princess this Christmas and Holidays Season –
Lazyone Flapjacks
Lazyone Bear Cheeks
Matching Family Christmas Pajamas
Christmas Flapjacks
Baby Lazyone Flapjacks
Lazyone Special Delivery Family Christmas Pajamas