Sweet Baby Girl,
It’s your birth month! I still remember writing “Estimated Arrival.. February 2012” on the chalkboard to surprise your daddy like it was yesterday. You’ll be here in no time now, we can hardly wait. You’ve decided that you’re very comfortable sitting in a funny, upright position rather than head down, turns out you like to do things your way. Sounds like you are just like your momma already!
Enjoy your last few weeks in my belly little girl! I think you are very excited for your new home though, you love to kick & wiggle lots whenever I am in your nursery or when daddy talks to you.We love you SO much already & can’t wait to kiss your sweet face. And even if you don’t arrive before Valentine’s Day.. you’re in luck… because we celebrate holidays all month long in this family! 
Love, Momma
Love, Momma
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