Total weight gain: 22 lbs gained at my 29 week appointment
Maternity clothes? mostly my regular clothes with a few maternity items mixed in
Stretch marks? no
Sleep: still sleeping great
Best moment this week: another great doctor’s appointment, hearing that everything is still going great & baby is healthy. Just getting so much more excited as each day passes!
Miss Anything? being able to shop for hours without getting out of breath, painful hips & swollen ankles… fitting into all of my winter clothes from last year… sledding or ice skating… drinking games with family over Christmas… and being able to lay on my back!
Movement: lots of movement still, although I’d imagine she’s going to start getting pretty cramped in there
Food cravings: peppermint anything (which apparently is a natural cure for heartburn..BOOM!) along with sweets of any kind – dark chocolate, peanut butter, apples & homemade strawberry banana smoothies made each night by my husband
Anything making you queasy or sick: red meat & the smell of parmesan cheese – which seriously smells like feet to begin with
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Heartburn, a little swelling in my calves, restless legs if I stay up too late (past my lame 10:00 bedtime) and non-stop pain in my ribs
Belly Button in or out? still flat
Wedding rings on or off? on, they seem looser than ever, maybe just because it is cold?
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: the Holidays! It’s been six months since we’ve seen our families… can not wait!!!!
29 Weeks
How far along? 29 Weeks
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